1. 11. kosala. See Rām. I. 5.
1 12. diptasya śreyasah pār akāmak. VR.'s rendering, 'desiring to study in their entirety the radiant Vedas', is far-fetched.
Page 12, 1. 1. arastatātı, a Vedic word. See Pän. IV. 4, 143, Cf. the same suffix in sivatâtı, p. 124, 1 7. For a similar phrase cf. Anar. II. 39 (svasthyam undhātāsmahe).
1. 3. martrāvarunr. See the Sanskut wond Index' for the double forms martı avaruna and ovarun.. Cf. also the forms vaikartana and "tani.
1. 10 sakhe nsramya, &c. The passage is not quite clear. Why did the people first rest themselves outside and then enter their houses ?
Page 13, 1. 3. asty analyä, &c. For the story see Rām. I. 48, 49, Anar. II. 6/7.
1. 6. andha-tāmisra. "Blind-darkness', especially of the soul; see Sankh. 48. It is also the name of a division of Tartarus or the infernal regions, the second of the 21 hells to which those who seduce the wives of others and enjoy them are condemned. According to Bhavabhatı, persons committing suicide were condemned to this hell ; see Utt. IV. Apte in his Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. See also Manu, IV. 88, 197; Yājña. III, 224, Vienu-smrti, xlm. 3.
1 7 seyam adya, &c. Cf. the close parallel Anar. IL. 6/7. 1. 8. sahajānubhāva. Repeated in Anar. I. 18/19 , III. 28. Page 14, 1. 1. upavārya. For definition see Dasar. I. 59; Sah. 425. Sanskrit chāyā sarira-nrmāna-sadrso nanv asyā 'nubhavah.
1. 6. äropanena, &c. Cf. Anar. II. 39; Bal. III, 27; Mahānätaka I. 24 (No. 24).
1. 9. paśyatı. Note the desiderative sense. 1. 10. Sanskrit chāyā hum räksasah, 1. 12. agacchatu. Cf. ah agacchatu, Anar. III. 33/31.
Page 15, 1. 3. mātāmahena, &c. For such a duty of the minister see Kām. IV. 41-45. For the definition of a mantron see sah. 80, Dasar. II. 40.
1. 4 ayonyjām, &c. Cf. the parallel Anar. III 42. 1. 9. amrta-varter wa, &c. For the idea see Mal. I. 25/26; Utt. I. 38. 1. 10 Sanskrit chāyā Kim ata sanjate 'smu locanănande me drstih. sayar. We should rather substitute the Saurasenī form sajjadr for sanjar.
Page 16, 1. 5. Verse 30. Cf. the parallels Anar. III. 42, III. 44. This verse is quoted in Saras. V. 168 to illustrate the ūdrta samshāra.
1 7. kanyāyāś ca parärthatar 'va, &c. For the thought of. Sak. IV 22. 1. 8. pilastyao, &c. See M[unu, I. 35. 1. 9. Sanskrit chāyā hā dhik, hā dhik, räksaso mām prārthayate. 1. 10 Sanskut chāyā ha hatham eram.
I. 14. Verse 31. This verse is quoted in Saras. V. 167 to illustrate the udatta rasa.
sādharanyát. As she is still unmarried, Srta's hand may be asked for by any suitor. She is so far their common property, as it were. Pick.'s because