i Upamā or Simile in My. I 62, II 24, 31, III. 15, 21, 39, 40, IV. 23, V. 21, 44, VI 8, 44, 52, 53, VII. 34, in Māl. I 42, II 1, 8, III. 4, 10, 16, V 28, VI 6, 20, VIII. 8, IX. 50, X 3, 4, 12, 15, in Utt I 29, 45, 49, III 5, 7, 23, 36, 42, 47, IV. 2, 21, V. 8, VI. 24, 29. A glance at the above passages would suffice to show his inferiority in the employment of this figure to Kālıdāsa who, according to the opinion of the best critics, surpasses all in its use i Still a comparison of the similes employed by the two dramatists may be of some psychological value
I wish to emphasize here a peculiar characteristic of Bhavabhūti's similes, viz. his extreme fondness for lıkening concrete objects to abstract ideas and at times of living beings to inanimate things) -a quality in which he excels Kālıdāsa Examples are in Mv I. 10, 22, 62, II 15, 23, 25, 41, V. 20 ab, 38, VI. 440 , VII. 21, 33 b, 2 in Māl IX. 9, in Utt. I. 18, III. 4, 14, 25, V. 16, VI, 9, 10, 19, 22
2. Rūpaka or Metaphor in Mv V. 45, VII. 2, in Māl II. 10, X. 2, in Utt. I 38, III 28, IV. 4, 29
3 Utpreksā or Poetical Fancy in Mv I. 12, V 12 cd, 22, 26, 44d, in Māl I 32, II. 11, III. 16, V 10, VI 5, 12, IX. 1, in Utt I 48, III 13, 39
4 Anuprāsa or Alliteration in Mv. I 29, II 31, 33 ab, 38 b, 46 cd, III 28 b, 29 b, 31 d, 32 d, IV 530, V 53 b, VII. 33 c, in Māl v 30, IX 16, 43, X. 18, in Utt. II 9, V.5, 9
5. Ślesa or Pun in Mv I 50 a (on visvā metra), V. 47 (on rāma), p 41, 1. 1 (on skandha), p 41, 1 2 (on kulya), p 46, 1 4 (on vamsa), IV. 23 (on dosa and sastra), p 204, 1. 12 (on rajah), in Māl. I have also noticed a few equivocal statements, thus mahābhāga suślista-gunatayā, &e, I 35/36, prabhavatı nyasya, &c II. 0/1,2/3
6 Arthāntaranyāsa or Corroboration in Māl. X. 13, in Utt IV. 11, VI 12, 30
7 Nzdarbanā or Illustration in Māl. IX 51 cd, in Utt I. 14, V 29 8 Drstānta or Exemplification in Māl I 27, IX 39, in Utt V 20
9 Vorodhābhāsa or Contradiction in Mv. IV. 20, 24, in Māl I. 11 VIII. 7/8 (phuridam me vāmam, &c ).
10. Pratwastūpama in Mv. IV 27 cd, in Utt I. 13. 11. Atrśayokti or Hyperbole: in Māl I. 39. 12 Āksepa in Mv VI 9. 13. Svabhāvokti in Utt. IY 26.
d His verbal forms As might be expected from a great poet, Bhavabhūtı closely follows the rules of grammar, though a few gram
Of upamā kālıdāsasya bhāraver artha-gaura- gunāh van 1 dandinaḥ padalālityam mäghe santr trayo
Cf. also II, 34, 39 d, 40a, IV 17a