1 8. Sanskrit chāyā ko vsesah
1 9. hatvāpi, &c The construction here is uncertain for lack of punctuation Nearly all the MSS agree in having a stop after eva, but they have no mark of punctuation either after rājaputrah or punar-utthātu-kāmah. The meaning would be somewhat changed by adding a stop at either of the two places, though the general sense would not be much affected Sandhai yah may also mean'ought to be checked' For utthātu-kāma see Kam VIII. 13
Page 42,1 1 utsähasaktı. One of the three saktrs, the other two being mantra and prabhāva See note on p 85, 1, 2 below
1 2 anujānīyuh Of Anar VI 9/10
1 3 prakrti-kopah That the word refers here to the natural enmity' between the gods and the demons I have very little doubt. Malyavān here simply repeats what he has already expressed by nitya-nibhrta-kruddhā devāh. See also II. 7 above. VR renders it as 'the disaffection of Rāvana's subjects', which, however, is never mentioned, and is quite out of place Pick. gives likewise a wrong alternative sense, the enmity of then subjects, i e of those whom the demons have enslaved' So also Jy, who by prakrti understands the people of the three worlds
1 5. paulastyāpacaya', &c. See Rūn. VII 31-33, MV II 16 • Kārtavīrye See Visnu IV. 11, Mahā. III 115, Mv II. 16-17 1. 6 sara-ksat, a', &c Cf. Anar IV 54, VI 66 19 Sanskrit chāyā tato 'tredānim kom cintitam.
Page 43, 1. 2 Sanskrit chāyā paksāntare makā-dosah It would be a great calamity as detailed above (p. 41, 1. 10 ff) Pick wrongly understands it to mean, if Rama kıll Paraśurāma, Malyavān will incur the guilt of causing a Brahman's death'.
13 Verse 14. VR offers two more far-stretched interpretations. (1) if the same are the elements of which his body is made up as those aforetime, if the same are his powers as of old, then we, &c. ; (2) if the same are the elements of body and the powers of Paiaśurāma as those of Rāma (both of them being the incai nations of the one Divine Lord), then we, &c. This verse is repeated in the commentary to Sar as I 82 to illustrate ojas, one of the karyagunas
1. 13 Viskambhaka. For definition and varieties see Daśas. I 53, Natya. XVIII. 34, 35, and Säh. 308
Page 44,1 2. bho bho, &c. Of a similar speech in Bal. IV 56/57 For the story of Paraśurāma going to visit Rama, who had snapped Siva's bow, see Mahū III. 99; Rūm I. 75.
1. 4. Karlāsoddhārao. See Rūm. VII 16, Mv. V 37 Cf Anas IV 26, VI. 3, 41; VII, 47, 48; Bal. I 44, 47, II. 15, X 33; Mahānātaka VI 96 (No. 432), VII. 15 (No 452) This verse is referred to in the commentary to Dasar II 5 in illustration of a dhārodätta nāyaka
nonāta-dosnah Repeated in Anar. VII. 135. Cf. Anar III. 39, Mahūnātaka IV. 16, 18 (Nos. 453, 455).