1. 5 rana-mado 1. e the pride of being the greatest warrior. Kārtarir yah Cf. Bal II 15, IV. 34, 38.
1. 6 yasya, &c
in Mv II. 49.
Cf the parallel Anar IV 22, as also the similar language
1 6. Luthara-prarighatita, &c This is a difficult compound because of the uncertainty of the mutual relationship of the component parts. doh-śākhādanda-mundas creates a difficulty I dissolve it as huthara-prayighatitäh doh-śākha-danda yasya, ata eva mundah It is doubtful if munda is a noun (= head or trunk) or an adjective (= lopped, stripped), but probably the latter, the construction of the whole sentence being then pura yasya krodhat kulyakandarh (saha) tarur va huthara- mundo vihito 'bhut. Mark here the pun on the word shandhah, (1) shoulders, and (2) trunks of the tree Kuthär a in the case of the tree may mean any axe, but in the case of Kartavii ya refers to Parasurama's axe Cf. the parallel passage Bal. IV. 38. 1 7. kulyakandarh Kulya has two meanings (1) members of a family (hule bhavah), and (2) bones. Both are possible here.
1 8. trik-sapta-vāra. Cf p 44, 1. 8, II 19 below. Cf also Anar IV. 25 Bal II 13, 21
Cf Megh I. 57, Anar. IV 47, Bal. II. 15, IV 29,
1.9 krauñcasya, &c. Pras p 72, 1. 3, 12
1 10 gana Cf. Kum I 55; Megh. I 38, Mv. II 33. 1. 11 sva-guru, &c Cf Anar IV 54
Page 45, 16 Sanskrit chāyā hala sakhyah katham dānīm etat. inclined to drop hala, following only the one MS I, as it is redundant.
1. 7 Sanskrit chaya kumara alam tavat tvaraya
I am
1 8 paridhirana. The MS evidence is in favour of this reading. But the word is not found in the dictionaries Probably it means 'delay', as may be gathered from the context The girls ask Rama not to make haste, but his valour cannot biook delay. paridharana, the reading of some MSS, means 'endurance'. Boehtlingk and Roth's Worterbuch mentions our passage and gives 'Ausdauer', 'Aushalten' as the meaning
Page 46, 1. 1. Sanskrit chāyā vāram vāram nihksatrīkrta-samasta-jiva-loko nirvartita-visama-vyavasaya-sāhaso 'yam parasuramah śruyate.
1. 2 nuvvadida-vrsama-vavasaya-sähasah.
Literally, who accomplished a daring act in the form of a difficult undertaking' According to Hem. Pr. IV. 62 mvvadida may also be rendered as spastikrta, the sense of the compound would then be. 'who showed his daring in a difficult task. The compound is almost repeated in Mal. VI 15/16.
1 4. utkhata, &c. Cf. Anar. IV. 32, 35, 39.
vamsa. A pun upon the word, which means (1) family, (2) bamboo-tree.
1. 6. sadvīņām, &c. See Ram I. 76. Cf. Pras. p. 72, 1. 10, Bal II. 23; IV. 41; and Mv. p 61, 1. 3 below.
1. 7. astravyasta, &c. Cf. the parallels Bal. II. 37, IV. 41
1. 12. kruddho munir bhargavaḥ. Repeated in Anar. IV 19.