Page 47, 1 8. Sanskrit chaya aho samantato ha deva candra-mukha rama-candra, ha jämätar' st pardevana-mukhara-katarodvrgna-samasta-paryanapralapitam antah-puram vartate | tad bhartr-darike svayam eva vyñaрaya bhartr darakam.
1.5 vattas. We should rather substitute the Sauraseni form vattade
17. Sanskrit chaya tena tearamānāk sambhavayāmaḥ vega-prasrtam aryaputram For tuvarantio see Hem. Pr IV. 170 For pasaram the correct Saurasent form would be pasaridam
Page 48, 1 1 Sanskrit chaya kumara aveksaeva tavat tvara vérnkhalamanavshvalstodbhranta-gamanām bhartr-darkām.
15 Sanskrit chaya sakhs sakhs surasura-manthana-samartham trailokyamangalam tunga-jaya-lakemi-lañchanam mam savibhrama-vikasita-netra-nilotpalasobha-bibhran mukha-pundarika-visphäreta-sneha-sambhrama sar vadasmākam purato varnayası | tat kim str vyjayābhamukhe kumāre udbhrüntüsı
1. 6 visatta May be rendered as dalita or vikasita in Sanskrit. See Hem. Pr. IV. 176 Cf. Karp II. 4, Bal V 70/71, Pras. p 38, 1. 2.
kandotta A desi word meaning a blue-lotus, see the v. I. at the foot of the page, and Desi II 9 Cf. Karp III 8. Page 49, L. 1. Sanskrit chaya sarva-kaatriya-santapa-kari paraturama t 16. tri-vali Cf. Kum I 39, Kavyal. V 2, 15
1. 8. Sanskrit chaya ha dhil sa evaseo vyaharati.
19. pratibhinna. Pick translates 'clashing against each other'
pushar ävartaka. Cf Megh I 6, Kum II 50.
Page 50, 11 Sanskrit chāyā kā gatih. arya-putra na tavad yusmābher gantavyam yavat tato nagacchats.
13. Sanskrit chaya udvartitam idānīm priya-sakhyā rasāntareṇa lapālutvam. 15 bho bho, &c. See p. 49, 1. 7.
1. 8 Verse 22 This verse is quoted in the commentary to Kävyap. IV 35 to illustrate autsukyodaya
1. 6. Sanskrit chāyā tato balad eva dharayısyām. The form valad eva deserves notice.
1. 9. vira-rabhasonmadah. Rama is here considering the bright side of Parasurama's character, and so also in his subsequent speeches. He has not as yet been roused to anger. It is only after he has met Parasurama that the struggle between the two opposite feelings of honour due to the great sage and anger at his violent conduct begins (see verse 30 below) I, therefore, take the compound rabhasonmädah (as also do VR., AB, and Apte in his Dictionary) to mean 'rapturous joy'. Pick., however, renders 'anger at the violence of a hero'. vira is 'the hero' Parasurama and not 'heroism' (as ŚR. understands it).
1. 11 harcandanendu°, &c Cf Utt. III. 11.
Page 51, 1 1. Sanskrit chāyā, esa dipyamana-denakaraloka-prekeyamānadeha-prabha-parksepa-bhäsuram jualantam sumsitam paratum dhārayan vérnkhalodvella-hutavaha-bikha-sahasra-sandehita-jafa-bharah sudara-vikepäviddha-vikatoru