GES 1952
HE origin of this book is the connexion of its author, the late rodar an
University of Oxford. He was a Government of India Sanskrit Scholar who, having matriculated at Oxford in October, 1911, graduated there in the following year, after taking first class honours in Sanskrit. During his stay at Oxford he also prepared a critical edition, under my supervision, of Bhavabhūti's Mahāvīracarta. He then went to Germany where at the University of Bonn he occupied himself chiefly with Prakrit studies under Prof. Jacobi. At Bonn he made the acquaintance of a German lady, whom he married. Perhaps as a result of privations endured during the war, he fell ill and died at Bonn in 1918 After his death his papers were collected and sent to the India Office to be returned to his relations at Lahore. They included a complete manuscript of the present edition of the Mahaviracarta. Hearing of this, I offered to correct and pass through the press, as a memorial to a pupil, the manuscript of this play, the preparation of which I myself had supervised during his lifetime. I accordingly undertook this task, though it was bound to interrupt several others which I had in hand. I little realized at the time how much of my leisure it would consume. But being convinced that all the labour that had been spent on the constitution of a critical text and on the studies connected with it would otherwise vanish and its critical value for Indian students be entirely lost, I resolved to make the sacrifice entailed by this labour of love Any scholar examining the author's introduction, which treats of the author's manuscript material and various cognate matters, as well as his critical foot-notes, will easily be convinced that no classical Sanskrit text has ever been so exhaustively prepared by an Indian scholar. Thus eighteen Sanskrit manuscripts have been collated in preparing