Rāmāyana, taken as a whole, existed in his time in essentially the same form as that in which we at present possess at
Angiras's view as to reciprocal love being an essential condition for a happy married life is quoted by him in Mal II 2/3 The pas not occur in the Anguras-smrti known to us, but is found in Apas Gr I. 3, 20, where it is mentioned as the view of some' In Matāksarā I 3 Vijñāneśvara quotes it as from Āpastamba, but he ought to have stated that it was the view, not of Āpastamba, but of some other Rsı ieported by Āpastamba The Rsi whose view he quotes is Angiras according to Bhavabhūti
Bhavabhūti's quotation from the Kāma-sūtra in bis Māl. VII 0/1 I have already mentioned in my paragraph on Bhavabhūti's Life and Ancestry'
laghu api vyasana-padam abhiyuktasya kercchra-sādhyam bhavati', My IV.7/8, is a quotation from Kautilya's Artha-śāstra, VII. 5 (p 273) 1
samāmso madhuparkah, Utt IV 1/2, is undoubtedly a quotation from one of the Grhya-sūtras. Mu V. 59 appears likewise to be a quotation Neither of these have I been able to trace
Mentioned in (1) Kalhana's Rāja-taranginī, IV 144,3 (2) Rājasekhara's Bālarāmāyana, I. 16, (3) Ballāla's Bhojaprabandha,+ p 96, vārānasinagarāt ko'm bhavabhūta-nāmā kavir dvām vartate', (4) Vákpatırāja's Gaudavaho, 799, (5) Āryāsaptašatī, 36,5 (6) Kavindra-Karnābharana of Visvešvara-pandita (Kāvyamālā Series, Part VIII, No 2, Bombay, 1891), where the following verse, as an instance of dvrh-samasta-dver-vyastaJātrh is given kūdric tanur varatanor bhavabhūtur āha, &c , the answer being Malatīmādhava
Quoted in (1) Uvaladatta's commentary on the Unādısūtras 6 commentary on Sūtra I 108, Mal VI 10 a b, and on Sūtra IV. 18, Māl V. 4d, (2) Rāyamukuta's commentary on the Amarakośa commentary on I 75, Māl v 4c, (3) Ksirasvämin's commentary on the Amarakosa, Utt II 21 (= Māl. IX 6= My V. 41), see Prof Aufrecht's paper on Commentare zum
1 I have spoken above of his thorough knowledge of Nits It would be wou th while to examine in detail his indebtedness to Kautilya's work
I wish to point out that Baz and Anar. possess not only similarities of ideas with
Mv , but also show identities of language.
$ Edited by M A Stein Bombay, 1892 + Edited by Th Pavie Callet, 1855.
5 Edited by Jivānanda See his Kāvyasangraha Calcutta, 1888
BTh Aufrecht Bonn, 1859.