1.7 bilyát, &c The version of the Ramāyana is, however, different, for which see Rām. IV. 5
1.8 asrayeta See Kām VIII. 61.
Page 93,1 1. tatas ca, &c The passage is a little corrupt. The negative particle na before 1āmopāśı ayena might better have been omitted. All the commentators are silent about the fine difference, if any, between wpaśraya and upaślesana VR, however, under stands the first as referring to Vibh Tsana's duect refuge and the second to his indirect refuge thiough Sugrīva, which I doubt
rämopüśrayen, &c. See Kām VIII 60 ramopaślesena Cf Anar. VI 6/7
1 3 Sanskrit chāyā atha rumah paraburāma-vijayī janita-vii odham vālınam cyūpūdnyatı tato erbhisanu-1 āma-samyogo 'nartha ate sambhavyāma
1 9. dadätz Mark the use of the present tense in the optative or probably the future sense dadūtu would have better fitted in with the context.
1. 10. Sanskrit chāyā eram ape tävad bhavatri. Page 94,1 1 sukaram car 'tat, &c Cf p 106, 1. 6 below 1 4. Sanskut chaya na amba tvaya api duhanam preksutavyam
1 6 Verse 11. This yei se is quoted in the commentary to Saras V. 169 to illustrate an ainātya. Mark the kar unā rasa here.
1. 9. na cirāt, &c VR fancifully explains You will see your three sons (by your side in the world of the dead)'.
Page 95, 1. 6 Verse 13 c d. Repeated in Utt. I. 32 c d. 1 8. prakrstao ... mahima. Almost verbally repeated in Utt. VI. 15/16. 1. 13. päkah slaghyataras ca Mark that Mt's reading is much better.
I. 14 guna-nidhih. vidhah is the reading of the majority of the MSS. For the meaning then see verse 17 b below. But compounds ending with nidhr are much commoner, cf. e. g. guna-nidhih, verse 17 below. It is not probable that Bhavabhūti wrote guna-nidhıh there and mangala-vidhah three verses before that. I therefore adopt Mt's reading.
yan nah, &c. Cf. the parallel in sense Anar I. 18 d.
Page 96, 1. 2. yad vācām, &c. Cf. the parallel I. 51 above; and for the first line cf. I 25 d above, and Anar IV 68.
1. 3. paryāyāt param ataśāyanasya. "Beyond the excellent of the excellent', VR. Jv., however, takes par yāyāt as a finite verb, imperfect, thud person singular, of the verb yū with the piepositions par and ū
1. 8. satya Note that Mt's reading stutya would be preferable. 1. 10. samucchraya Collection', Pick, and ŚR.
Page 97, 1. 2. tvästra. Identified with Vrtra. See Trik. II. 8, 22, Bhāgavata-purāna, IV 9, 18.
1. 5. bahusu samanākcesu. See Rām. II 9, and cf. Anar. I 24, 2 1. 8. Verse 19. Cf Mv. I. 45; II. 13, 16, and Bāl. VII. 5.
1. 12. dvidha bhidyate By the mighty steps of Rama, cf. a similar idea on p. 48, l. 2, and Anar. VI. 27/28.