and has, very unnaturally, to join prakrtz-nyatah with ksiter änantaryät only go against his constiuction. ŚR explains prakrtz-nıyatah as of naturally controlled senses' (svabhāvena vuśīkrtendriyah) and does not explain the twofold nature of the enmity Pick 's constı uction is the most natural, but his rendering of prakrti-nyatah is extiemely doubtful He translates Rāma, who is ever doing us evil and who is oui oppressor as there is no intervening territory between us, is in two ways our enemy, being by nature well-governed, and being a Ksatrıya'. For ksiter ānantaryād apakrt see Kam X. 17.
1 11 trtīyo me naptā For this genealogy see Rām. VII 5,9
sahajo. I think this word qualifies ripuh and bears the technical sense. See note on verse 7 above SR. and Pick., however, render it by 'biother'.
1 12 pratyāsatteh, 1 e nearness of his relationship with Rāvana Being a biother and a claimant of the inheritance he is a cause of danger Jy, however, understands the word to refer to the neainess of Rāma' who would help Vibhisana
1. 13 kumbhaharnas tu, &c For his propensity to sleep 'see Rām VII 10, and for his discourtesy' see Rām. VII 9
1. 14 Ābhagāmikātma-guna. For these qualities see Kām IV. 6-8
prakrtayah Perhaps this word too is used here in its technical sense, for which see Amara. II. 8, 17-18, Kām VIII. 4.
Page 91, 1. 1 kharao, &c See Kām. IV 12.
yatas te, &c It is not clear who that instrument (vatseneva) of Khara and others is
1. 2 upajāpitāś ca, &c. For upajāprta see Amara II. 8, 21; cf Manu, VII. 197. Probably Pick. is right in translating, the subjects are disaffected and conspire together'. AB. rendeis similarly
1 3 antar-bheda-jargaram. Cf Anar. II. 7/8, VI 9/10. abhiyukta-mātram, &c. See Kam IX. 30, 33, XVII. 40
1.4. laghv apr, &c This quotation comes from Kautilya's Arthaśāstra, VII 5 Pick translates, 'a cause of calamity, however small, is easily brought about against one who is attacked'. Cf. the parallel in Kir II. 50-51, Kam X.
vyasana 'Evil habit', VR; dissension', Jy. For the different kinds of vyasanas see Kam XIII, XIV.
1. 5. prakāśa-danda. See Kam XVII. 10-12 16 samrodhana. See Suhr. IV 1, 86-94. apasarana See Sukr IV 1, 98-107.
abhinna-sambandhāh Pick.'s rendering who are unbroken in their attachment' is also possible
1. 9. abhibhavāt. '(If he is imprisoned) by force', Jv , 'By reason of the insult', VR.
Page 92, 1 1. Sanskrit chāyā aho anusivitvasya agurukatā yat rāvanasya khara-pramukhānäm ca tulye 'pi kula-sambandhe evam mātāmahaś cintayatı.
1 4. Sanskrit chāyāvinā Khara-pramukharr vrbhisanasya kā pratupattah. 1. 6 upeksanīyah See Kam. XVII 14.