1 12 Sanskrit chāya bhartah esa pratihära-bhūmau trsthati senapatih prahasto vijñāpayıtu-kāmah
Page 167,1 2 Sanskrit chāya tatha
1 5 gospada Literally, mark of a cow's foot in the soil, also, water filling up such a mark, hence, a small puddle. For the form see Pāṇ. VI 1, 145 Cf gospada-vad vrlanghita in Anar VII. 80. Of also Bal. VII 18/19; Mahānātaka V 54 (No 291)
1. 7. skandhāvāram, &c See Rām VI 4, Kam XVI 1 Cf. Anar VI. 5/6, Mahānataka VII. 4.
sauvela-mūrdhan See Rām VI 38 1 14 puram, &c. See Kām. IV 57 1. 15. raksā, &c See Kām IV 62 1 18 Verse 19 See Rām VI 41
Page 168, 1. 1 Sanskrit chaya bhartā esa ko'pr valimukho rāmasya duta utz bhanıtvā pratīhāra-dese tisthate Of Rām VI 41
1. 4. Sanskrit chāya tatha | esa bharta upasarpa 1 12 dūta Foz the definition and varieties see Sāh. 86–88. 1. 13. sūtām, &c Cf Mahänātaka VII 41 (No 478) Page 169, 1. 1. aham, &c . 'I am of little account', Pick.
Verse 21 I think natah and sprastārah are to be construed with onakham and mukham respectively; thus tat-pādābja nakham natáh and tat-tīksnesumukham sprastārah SR construes kim te natā mūrdhānas tat-pādābja-nakham tat-tīksnesu-mukham va sprastās ah
1. 4. yat-keñord-yādinah vain speaker, Pick., who talks nonsense', ŚR Cf. Bal IX 46/47
mukham samskuryāt The intended sense seems to be 'He defiles his own mouth by talking so derogatorily about us Just as all impure articles are purified by the application of suitable methods, so let his face be likewise punfied by a method suited to it, namely, by giving him slaps or the like'. Jy explains. 'let his mouth be purified, so that he may not utter such expressions again, in other words, let propei punishment be accorded to him'. AB. renders it by disfigure his face', and SR. by 'punish'. For the story see Rām. VI. 41 For the legality of such a punishment administered to an ambassador see Ram V 52, Mahānātaka V. 75 (No 312), VII 32 (No. 469).
1. 7 tapasvrnah may also be translated as of the ascetic', referring to Rama's mode of living. See also p 170, 1. 14, and VI. 25.
1. 9 tīksna-krakacao Cf. the parallel V 19 above 1 12. nevarteyam The verb is usually employed in the Atmanepada.
Page 170, 1 2. argalāni The word is neuter here, while in VI 16 above it is feminine
1. 5 muhur may also be construed with vralganao
urvalgana-ortho-tthāna "askandanenarva misphalonnatyä', AB, višesena jalpanāya vrthotpatanaya ca’, ŚR.
1. 13 pura-gopurah See Kām IV 57.