NOTES gandopalarh. See Amara II 3, 6 Cf Anar VI 44
1 14 hatham ete, &c, prepares the audience foi the entiance of Indra and others
Page 171, 1 4 daksaih may also be construed with anyarh 1 4 yuddhābhinayao, &c That is, they are not real heroes
15 se acetako, &c thì viphalam randhu a-matram sümánya-cchd am itu yårat rumena mama zau(-1ūpam ir bhūras tatra pravistän madūśı aya-tyagena rāma paksapäta-pravistan itu bharah', Jy, who have merely taken advantage of my neglect, which is tuvial, but is reflected in their own minds', Pick
1 10 yathū, &c Cf. the description in Anar VI 22/28 I 11 °vuar taparınāmah', Jv , dancing'. SR, AB 1 12 vrbhrama 'Grace', JY
Page 172, I 6. kauveryuh halubhah. Kuveia, the god of wealth, is the guardian of the northern quarter See Amara I 3, 3. Cf Kun III 25.
18 bhavatarrat Cf. Kid, p. 177, 1 3
Page 178, 1 1. suhulyānām, &c Kuveia is the son of Viśravas by Idayıda, and thus the half-brother of Rāvana See Ram VII 3-5.
1 2 sahajah, &c The commentatois render sahajh as brothers' and Irtomatā as 'wickedness' oi'ciaftiness' Monier-Williams, too, in his Dictionary gives 'shrewdness, cunningness' as the meaning of the latter word I agree with none of them All of them are evidently wiong, inasmuch as they have failed to recognize that Citiaratha speaks here of the twofold enmity between Kuvera and Rāvana. The words sahaja and hrtrima are here employed in their technical sense. See Kām VII 56 and note on IV. 7 above. Both of them are 'natural' enemies, being brothers, and Rāvana is also guilty of 'created' enmity by reason of his acts of violence against Kuvera
13 midhu-puspakādro, &c. See Ram. VII 11, 15 Cf. Anar VII 150; Bal I 51, V 7 The nine treasures of Kuvera are mahāpadmaś ca padmas ca šankho mahara-hacchapau muhunda-kunda-nilas ca kharvas ca mdhayo nava Cf. also mdhānūdhavai, p 190, 1. 11 below
1.6 kadarthrta Cf. Anar. II 20; VI 37/38. For the form see Pūn VI. 3, 101.
1. 9. Tolakılā-kolāhala". Repeated in Mál V. 11 hart. For this meaning of the word cf. Ragh III 30 1. 10. Ocakram akrama. Repeated in Mal V. 14
1. 13. prasthah Pick, adds in a foot-note 'A better reading would be prestha = very dear to
1. 14. muhur-rīvā-ghosazh Pick.'s translation with the ceaseless screams of living creatures' is based upon his ignorance of the word nivå for a bowstring'. Cf. V 37 below.
Page 174, 1 1. na tula-dhrtah. See Rām. VI. 102. Cf the law mentioned in Utt. V. 20/21.
1. 6. apratisandheyam. The .commentators read atosundheyam which they differently explain: pārayıtavyam, ŚR, atıśayena sandhátam arham paryavek