269 saniyam eto yāvat, Jv , "how are we to avoid this turmoil ?' Pick But there is no desire on the part of Citraratha to avoid this turmoil', for, as he himself has said in VI 28 above, his object is to follow the fight to its close and bring the news to his master He simply wonders at the mighty confusion that rages there in the hand-to-hand fight of the warriors.
1 7 ārād apāsta-kramam Who have suddenly broken their ranks', Pick
1 8 mustāmusti, kacākaci For the forms see Kaśıkā on Pan V 4, 127 Cf. Sukra IV. 3, 77 Bal X 19 Cf Ram VI 43
mūdhātmablurh qualifies both 1aksobhah and parrdharh After their senses had been stunned by the weapons huiled, a confusion arose and was followed by a hand-to-hand and 'hair-to-hail'fight Pick wiongly translates Whose senses are stunned by blows of the fist, and diagging of hair, and the discharge of arms.
1. 12. Verse 32 Cf. Māl. VIII 9
1. 13 vkatātopao A case of transferred epithet The bodies have been so called, because the warriors are extremely proud of their strength
1 14. Chtrakūtänukäri The reason why the heap of corpses is compared to the Citrakūta mountain is not clear Does this mountain refer here to the Trikāta mountain as AB understands it?
1 15. dyante 01 'lie buried' Pick. translates "luik'
Śūra-Mitäh kita is a term of contempt to express insignificance. Probably pity is also expressed. Here it might refer to the timid nature of the warriors Jy renders it by 'ksudrāh', while SR and AB by 'kita-sadrśāh' Pick, translates 'reptile-soldiers' Of ası apa-kītāh, p. 182, 1 10 below, rājanya-krīta in Anar IV. 53/54 , kapi-kīta in Anar VI 6/7, manusya-kata in Pras p 18,1 21.
1. 3 tanu uha The rendering 'han' by AB is fanciful 1 5 bharao is construed by AB with rudhira = 'profuse blood' 1. 7. pratimukham. 'In front', Pick sarabhasam Does it not rather mean 'joyfully'?
18 pratinryata-dharryānubhavatah. AB, Jv., and SR agree in explaining pratinyata as 'firm, unshaken' Jy renders anubhava as prabhāva Pick. translates each one in the pride of his valour'
1 9. Whārā dalita' Pick. seems to read bhārädalata
chinna', &c ŚR and AB. dissolve the compound as chinnäsu dhamanzprakändästhe-snäyusu sphutataram vrlaksyah, &c, which does not seem to me to bring out the author's meaning very clearly
1 14 vāme is to be construed with pārsve of the preceding line and anyatra to be understood as referring to däksine The construction (daksine) pārsve and anyatra väme, as done by SR and AB, is very unnatural.
bodhetah kumbhakarnah See Rām VI 12 1. 16 ratha-burası. See Rām VI 95
Page 176,1 5 gämbhārya-garimao The oceans are so vast and fathomless that they seem to be the manifestation of Brahma Waters are known to be the first creation of the Creator. See Manu, I. 8; cf also Sak I. 1. Pick.'s interpre