be mentioned (a) It confuses tu and nu, sv, sth, and y, y and p, v and c, vu, gh, and cc, n and t, (b) sometimes writes kh for 8, 6 for 8, y for 3, sch for sth, (c) interchanges n and n at times, though all such cases are marked by the reviser with the sign (ro) above the letter, (d) often doubles letters after r. v, t, g show the largest number of such cases, while m, y, i, and n the least, (e) retains () before sibilants, though śc and st are also found, (f) uses - in preference to the nasal, though nt often appears, (g) does not use the (s) sign, (b) uses ch for cch, (1) kh and h are very often corrections from sc and d respectively, and in some places these corrections have not been made
3. B No G. 9819 of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Library, Calcutta. It consists of twenty-nine folios, of which five and twenty-eight are wanting, has eight lines to a page It is written in clear Devanāgarī characters on old Indian paper, does not number verses foi Acts VI and VII, is very correct and in very good condition Though undated, it looks about 300 years old Yellow paint is used in places to obliterate or modify letters Corrections made or omissions supplied along the margins are in a different hand and written with a finer pen. Its chief orthographical characteristic is its use of y for a It begins r-durmanoratha-pararh saha cūrnayāmi irti vikatam utpatate. The end-colophon reads evam astu atr nuskrāntāh sarve saptamo nkah 11 Il samāptam edam vīracaritam nāma nātakam 11 śubham astu ll ll rāma ll lll 11 Sri-rāmacandrāya namah il At the back of the last folio it reads gambhūra-rād-bhāratz-dīksrta-sünnilor'sna-yajvanah pusta [-ka-1 m o 5. Mr. S W Kemp, Honorary Secretary to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, was kind enough to inform me that the MS was purchased from one Laksminarayan Kavi of Benares, some time in 1909, by the Government of India, through Mahamahopadhyaya Hara Prasad Sastrı'.
4 E. No 68 II B in the Elphinstone College Library, Bombay. This MS. was purchased at Nasık by Dr G. Buhler for the Bombay Government between the years 1866 and 1868, and is mentioned in his 'A rough Last of MSS, bought and copied for the Government of Bombay during the years 1866–68'.? Size 1270" x 54". Folios 50, ten lines to a page It is in good condition and is written in clear Devanågari handwriting on blue paper, with a water-mark giving the name of C. Millington, London, as its manufacturer, and with the trade mark of the firm and the year 1867 as well. The front title-page has vīra-rama-nātaka-parārambhah 11 00 H and the back one: et vura-nāma-nātaka sampūrnam. The MS is
1 See his contribution, "Two Lists of Sanskrit MSS together with some remarks on my connexion with the search for
Sanskıt MSS.', in ZDMG, Vol XLII, Leipzig, 1888 (pp 580-59)
2 Vide ZDMG, Vol XLII, p. 554.