dated sala 1789 and gives Balakrsna Ramacandra Pāthaka as the name of the copyist It is complete Act I ends at folio 7b, II at 14, III at 185, IV at 26", V at 34, VI at 43a, and VII at 50. Excepting the first Act, which begins with śri-guru-devadatta, all the others begin with śrīšam vande The end colophon runs Jäto yam ankaś caramo tra patre samāptam edam vīracaritam näma nätakam 1 bhavabhūtıkrtam vīrarāmasya caritam site | Sucari caryānna-yoge ca naksatre uttarābhuste ! lakhatam rūmacandrena bhrgau sasthyā ca tārane 1 42 i sampūrnam rāma-candra prasann i samāptah i lekhaka-bālakrsna-rāmacandra-pāthakena likhetam i sake 1789 phālguna vadya 1 somavārata dinan rătrari samāptah subham bhavatu 1 31 31 31 116 16 I vīra-rāma-nătaka samāptah 16161. Corrections made, as also the omissions supplied, are by the original scribe, and are very few It appears to be a copy of a rather old MS, from its writing sth for sch and a few similar characteristics It is very incorrect, though it preserves old readings. Because of the extreme orthographical inaccuracy of the MS, I have ignored all such obvious mistakes of the scribe as do not stand for different readings. Among its peculiarities may be mentioned (a) its use of m for an original pr, (b) writing a as 3T, ddh as dhdh, n as DT, thy for tth, ch for cch, and in some places kh for 8, (c) confusing t and th, m and s, (d) doubling of consonants after r, (e) use of - in place of the class nasal, and (f) retention of before sibilants Prakrit passages are very incorrectly copied It is written with two different pens, though almost certainly by the same scribe The second hand appears with folio 21, line 8. It uses no pigment or paint except on folios 2", 179, 185, 384 It numbers verses, and according to its own numberingwhich is wrong-It has 61 in Act I, 50 in II, 49 in III, 60 in IV, 64 in V, 66 in VI and 41 in VII It is an independent MS, for, whereas at often agrees with the readings of K and Cu, it is inclined to agree more with B and I, in the last two Acts
5 I,. India Office Library, London, MS No 114 c. (Serial No. in the Catalogue, 4136.) Size 10' x 44" Folios 38, with ten lines to a page, except on folio 38a, which has only five The front title-page has bırarāgha [va] nātaka sankchyā 900, and the seal of 'E I. Comp's Library', and the back title-page has only the seal. The MS. (as also I, described further on) belonged to Colebrooke's collection and therefore passed to the India Office Library as a gift from him in 1819. It is written in good Devanāgari handwriting of samvat 1665 (=AD 1609) on brownish paper,
Catalogue of the Sanskrt MSS in the Library of the India Office, Part VII Sanskrit Literature. B, Poetical Literature IV,
Dramatic Literature. Edited by Julius Eggeling London, 1904 (P 1,581 )