Page 208, 1.8 krpārāno ramo. Mark the alliteration Pick.'s tianslation, pleasant by reason of his mercy', is not possible ārāma is not an adjective here, as is evident from the context, where the author has employed all nouns like hsetz an, Zhanıh, paripäkah. Cf. gunārāma in verse 41 below See note on p. 213, 1 5
19 pramodāt, &c. Cf Anar. I 22/23 1. 10 loka yātrā See note on p 191, 1 2 1 12 Sanskut chāyā ūjñāpayatu hulaguruh 1. 14 Sanskut chāyā yusmāham åśrsām prabhāvah.
Page 209, 1 2 Sanskrit chāyā amba mama mandabhūginya adhanyatayā sahalo pz lola ezar haulīnam bhanatı yad ratsayoh prarāsa-jananī madhyama-janani mantharānuhhe asīt | tat hatham zatsayoi maya mukhan pi eksitar yam
1 tadanāntarent, &c Cf Anar VI 20/21. 1 8 Sanskrit chāyā hatham eva
1 11 Sanskrit chüyü aho 1āksasünüm dustatābhiyogo yo grha-sthitan abalā. Janam api vadhute
Page 210,1 5 indukántopala Cf Mül I. 27, Utt VI 12, śiśu. IV 58 Singara sataha 21
1 12 istau, &c cf sah. V. 13/14
1 14. Sanskrit chūyü yad ayam cintayānus tad yusmāham bharatu Cf Sak IV 19/20
1. 17 līvu-prasavini bhara. Cf. Sak IV 4/5, Utt I. 9/10
Page 211, 1 5. Sanskut chāyā Jūte kula-pratrsthūpaka-daraka-prasavini bhara.
1 11 prarar tantām .. vdhar I have here followed the reading of W. and Sc., though in it the verb-form does not harmonize with the imperative, second person plural, of the two following lines The reading pravartyantüm
ridhah of K is giammatically defective; while the grammatically correct prarartyatām , udhh of E. is metrically impossible.
1. 4 I'er se 38 See 1. 13 above Page 212 I 6. ksūtram &c. Cf Anar. I. 22.
1 14. nriyantu The MSS read nrtyantı I have emended the reading to bring it into harmony with the other verbal forms in the verse.
Page 213, 1 5. gunārūmu. Ct guna-drumūrāmo in Būl. IX. 13; and gunārāma in Pras., p. 2, 1 17
1. 11. msrryetām, &c. See Rām. VI 128 1. 12 puspakam, &c. See Räm. VI. 127. Cf. Anar. VII. 150; Bül. X. 103.
1. 15. niriyudham guru-Śūsanam. Cf. the close parallel Anar VII. 151, Pras p 157, 1 4.
1. 16 cıktsitao, &c. Cf. VI. 28 above, Anar. VII. 151.
Page 214, 1. 2. bharata-vūkyam is the designation of the last verse or verses in a drama, which embody a benediction.
1. 4. ate means 'a calamity of the season'. They are usually said to be six: (1) excessive rain; (2) drought; (3) locusts, (4) rats ; (5) parrots, and