1. 3. Sanskrit chāyā katham gagana-vätrkāyām phullāna kusumānīva drsyante
1 10. abhyupapannavān the usual meaning of the word is taken pity on, pitied', but it seems to have been used here in the very different sense of known'.
1 15 ksonyā nu, &c. Cf. Megh. I. 18.
Page 202, 1 8. Sanskrit chaya: aho etat koom apy adrstapūrvam anyádrsam eva drśyate na mänuso näpi pasuh.
1 5. kinnara. Cf Kum. I 8
1 9. eka-pinga is one of the many names of Kuvera and literally means, 'having a yellow mark' (in place of one eye) His eye was thus changed, through the curse of Parvati, on whom he had cast an evil eye. See Rām VII. 13
1 10 upaślokayrtum. Cf Anar. I 9/10.
Page 203, 1 4 sumanaś cakorair, &c Fame is here compared to moonlight, which the cakora bırds are, according to the harr-samaya (Jyotsnā peyā cahorarh, Sah 590), said to drink. Cf. Anar I. 36, VII. 70; 110.
1. 7. yāvat, &c. Refers to the common Pauranıc belief that the earth rests upon the hoods of the serpent Sesa. See Visnu II 5, 20, Mahānātaha I. 31 (No 31); Bal I 48; VII. 40 Cf. the similar tone in Anar. VII. 153.
I 12 tad varam ito, &c. Cf. Anar VII 85/86.
1. 16 karpūra-khandogvalāh may be dissolved either as Khandair uzvalah or okhanda-vad uvaläh; preferably the latter Cf. Anar. VII. 60/61
1. 17 pādā is to be understood as pratyanta-parvatāh See Amara II. 3, 7, though a pun upon the word is also likely
gaurā-gus oh pävanāh. Repeated in Sak VI 17 gauri-guroh is repeated in Anar. VII. 23/24 Bal. X 31. Page 204,1 10. Sanskrit chāyā kanıstha-tāta iti śrūyate
1. 12 Prajah. Mark the pun upon the word, which means (1) dust, (2) pollen.
Page 205, 1. 4. trtīya-kala-kriya refers to the prayers and rites performed in the evening, as distinct from those in the morning or at noon
1. 7. aho, &c. Cf. the similar idea on p. 178, 1. 14 above 1. 16. manye, &c. See Rām. VI 125-27.
1. 17. wa. The reading rha of the commentators, though not found in any of our MSS, is decidedly better
Page 206, 1. 2 svena The syntactical position of this word is uncertain. AB. construes it with pracalntah.
1. 5. prakrtz-sahtah. Pick.'s translation, with his whole nature' is ridiculous. That prakrti here means “subjects' is evident from sa-sarnyo, p. 205, 1 17, and from the parallel passage samam anyäbheś ca prakrtibhaś ca in Bal X. 95/96.
1. 11 Sanskrit chāyā. katham anyádrsa eva drsyate.
Page 207, 1. 9. Sanskrit chāya. Kumārau jyesthayor bhràtror abhimatau bhavatam,