importance was attached to the readings of the MS B of the same sub
Still, even though I have always carefully weighed the evidence, it 18 hardly possible that I should in each individual case have succeeded in selecting the best reading supplied by the MSS I have collated However, I have the consolation that the full critical apparatus attached to the text will greatly facilitate the attempts of other scholars to correct any errors may have left
The text, as fixed by me, contains twenty-three emendations Taking into account the length of the drama and the possibility of corruption in the Prakrit passages, the number is not at all large In all these cases the correction is generally very slight Thus, twenty emendations are concerned with a single letter and the other three with two letters only. Then, again, seven relate to Sanskrit and the remaining sixteen to Prakrit passages Among the latter, nine are cases of the misdirected attempts of the copyists at uniform spelling According to the rules of Prakrit grammar, the Sanskrit particle apt is to be replaced by us, but after an anusvāra by pr The copyists, being probably ignorant of this rule, have in seven cases substituted vz even after an anusvāra A similar attempt 18 further responsible for two more cases of the preservation of a (instead of ca) even after an anusvāra Six more emendations are cases of the correction of grammatical errors in Sanskrit and Prakrit words Two are cases, more or less, of the correction of spelling, thus ekko for eko (p 189, 12), the latter being impossible in Prakrit, and kausalya for kausalya (p. 208,1 10) Two emendations consist in the substitution of atah for yatah (p. 27,1 6, p. 90, 1 7) The remaining four emendations were demanded by the context However, where even a single letter has been emended, I have inserted an asterisk (*) in the text. But where I have merely corrected a faulty spelling in order to observe uniformity, I have not added an asterisk Moreover, full reasons for the emendations made have been given in the Illustratave Notes.
As regards the Critical Notes, I thought it most convenient to place them at the bottom of the page just below the text, so that the reader can have before him, at the same moment, the entire critical apparatus, and judge for himself the value of the reading adopted in the text It will surely strike the reader that I have been perhaps too profuse in this