Aorist form would have been samar anta An attempt has, however, been made by VR. to justify it, by 1esorting to the much-abused rule of Panını 'bahulam chandası'.
1. 3. apūrvatvāt
1. 5. sa tu, &c
1. 6. svam eva is against the majority of MSS. But sayam eva gives no sense here. See Ram I. 19-22
Cf apurva-vastu prayogena Māl I. 5/6. See Ram I. 18.
Page 5, 1. 6 prastavană. For definition see Dasar. III. 7, and Sah. 287
1. 10 Sanskrit chaya yatha kanıstha-tāta ājñāpayatı.
1. 13. sānkāśya-natha. 1. 14. transankavam. Bal. I. 26
See Ram I. 70, 3. See Ram. I. 57-60
Cf. Anar I. 21; II 36,
saunahsepham. See Ram. I. 61, 62
1. 15. ambha-stambhanam. See Ram I. 64. Cf. reference in Bal I. 27/28. ity-aparimeyam, &c. Cf. the similar language in Bal II. 3/4.
Page 6, 1. 1. brahmadyars, &c. The construction is faulty, though common. Brahmadyarh is to be construed only with tridaśa and not with munibhih (thus, brahmadyars tridaśair munibhis ca) Cf sapeksatve pr gamakatvāt samāsah.
Cf. Anar. I 47.
1. 2. svayam upanata-brahman. See Ram I. 67, 17 (Gorresco's Edition) 1. 11. Kausihi. See Ram I 34; also Skanda-purana sthanam bhojakatam nāma prapto gadhimahipateh | yatra sa kausiki nama nadi trailokya-viśrută. Cf. also Anar II 25/26.
1. 6 saksātkrta-brahmano, &c Cf saksatkṛta-dharmano, maharsayah Utt. VII. 1/2.
1. 7. Verse 12 Cf Kir. III. 7.
1. 12. ayatanam rses, &c Cf Anar II 13/14.
siddhāśramapadam See Ram I. 29, 32.
1. 13. ātmana-tritiyah See Pan. VI 8, 6. Cf Sak I 9/10. Page 7,1 2. na karś cit, &c. Repeated in Utt IV. 22/23
1 5 svagatam For definition see Dasar. I. 58; Sah 425. 1. 7. kusalarh. The syntactical relation of the word is not clear to me. Most probably nah gives a clue to the solution of the difficulty and we ale to supply asmabhih kusalar asmābhih would then mean 'by me, the clever one', i. e. by me cleverly. AR. construes it with nah and interprets. nah mama kusalar mangala-mantrar diksapravesah. But it is to be questioned if kusala has ever this sense. Pick., when he translates 'prosperous acts which cause the death of demons must be done by the skilful on this good day', is much nearer the mark. But for the overwhelming MS evidence against it, Mt.'s reading 'ca kule' would be preferable.
Page 8, 1. 5 nimikula. See Ram. VII. 59. See also I. 28 below.
1. 7. yājñavalkyo, &c. This half-veise is repeated in Utt IV. 9. Cf the parallel Anar. III. 13; and the still closer parallel II. 87. Cf. also Bal I. 22 Brahma-pārāyana is repeated in Utt. II. 3/4.