8. When all vows are kept perfectly, then new inner progress begins. The soul has a new inner thought-activity. Call it the New Thought-Activity (Apúrva-Karana).
9. Further advance gives us the Advanced Thought-Activity stage (Nirvritti-Karana).
10. Then we near the Goal. Delusion is leaving us. When it has all but left us, call it the stage of Slightest Delusion (Súkshama-Sámparaya).
11. If all Delusion has entirely subsided, we call the stage one of Subsided Delusion (Upashanta-moha).
12. If Delusion is destroyed, we are in the stage of Destroyed Delusion (Kshína moha).
13. Then the soul knows all, sees all. Still it has the body of its last incarnation and it vibrates as every body does at every instant. We call this the stage of Vibratory Omniscience (Sayogakevali).
14. When the body vibrations stop, the stage is of nonVibratory Omniscience. It is of a short duration, and is called Ayoga-Kevali. Then the soul is at the end of its mundane existence and becomes liberated from all Karmic matter for ever; and rushes upward to enjoy its own eternal, supra-sensual, undisturbable, Infinite Bliss along with Infinite Knowledge, Conation, Perfect Right Belief, and Power. It is Siddha. It is itself. The goal is reached. The ideal is realised. It is the acme of Fineness. It has no high or low class, because all pure souls are the same. It is interpenetrable with them. There is no struggle for existence; because there is pure and full existence for all. It dropped its last body for ever and thus has a size slightly less than that. It has reached the end of the Universe and is steady there. Its modifications are its own perpetual continuous self-modifications.
In the 14 stages it is noticeable that our progress is from Wrong-Belief to Right-Belief, then to Vows, then to perfectly careful Vows, then to Passionlessness and then to a cessation of the Vibratory Activity of Body, Speech, and Mind, which induces the inflow of matter into the soul. In other words, we are beset by 5 kinds of innate evils or imperfections. These are Wrong-belief, Vowlessness, Carelessness, Passion and Vibratory Activity. We shed Wrong-belief at the end of the first. Vowlessness at the end of the fourth, Carelessness at the end of the 6th and Passions at the end of the tenth, and Vibratory Activity at the end of the thirteenth stage.
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