धुदको सुंभयवत्थं होदि जहा सुहमरायसंजुत्तं । एवं सुहमकसा सुहमसरागोत्ति साव्वो ॥ ५६ ॥ घौतको सुम्भवस्त्रं भवति यथा सूक्ष्मरागसंयुक्तम् । एवं सूक्ष्मकषायः सूक्ष्मसराग इति ज्ञातव्यः ॥ ५६ ॥
59. As a (well)-washed red vest retains the slightest (tinge of) redness, so the thought activity with the sligthest passion of greed should be known to be (the 10th stage), All but-passionless (Súkshma kasháya or Sámparáya),
लोहं वेदंतो जीवो उवसामगो व खवगो वा । सो हम संपराओ जहखादे गुण किंथि ॥ ६०॥ अणुलोभं विदन् जीवः उपशमको व क्षपको वा । स सूक्ष्मसाम्परायो यथाख्यातेनोनः किञ्चित् ॥ ६० ॥
GO. Experiencing the slighest touch of greed, the soul is subsidential or destructive (Upashámaka or Kshapaka in his thought-activity ). He is all-but passionless (Suksma Sámparáya) and just less than in the state of) perfect (right conduct (yathākhyáa). कदकफलजुदजल वा सरए सरवाणियं व शिम्मलयं । सयलोव संतमोहो उबसंतकसायचो होदि ॥ ६१ ॥ कनकफलयुतजलं वा शरदि सरः पानीयं व निर्मलम् । सकलोपनमोह उपशान्तकषायको भवति ॥ ६१ ॥
61. Like the water with the Kataka fruit in it, or the limpid water of a pond in (Sharada-Ritu the cold season, (the thought-activity, in which all the deluding karmas (Moha arma ) have subsided is (the 11th stage) of subsided-delusion (Upasánta Kasháya or Moha).
Jain Education International
Kataka is a fruit which being immersed in water makes it transparent by bringing about a subsidence of the particles of earth etc., in it Sharada Ritu-cold season-are the two months which
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