Book Title: Gommatasara Jiva Kanda
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, J L Jaini
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 330
________________ GOMMATASARA. 257 रूसइणिदइ अण्णे दूसइ बहुसो य सोयभयबहुलो। असुयइ परिभवइ परं पसंसये अप्पयं बहुसो ॥ ५१२ ॥ रुष्यति निन्दति अन्यं दुष्यति बहुशश्च शोकभयवहुलः । असूयति परिभवति परं प्रशंसति आत्मानं बहुशः ॥ ५१२ ॥ ण य पत्तियइ परं सो अप्पाणं यिव परंपि मण्णंतो। थूसइ अभित्थुवंतो ण य जाणइ हाणिवर्द्वि वा ॥ ५१३ ॥ न च प्रत्येति परं स अात्मानमिव परमपि मन्यमानः। तुष्यति अभिष्टुवतो न च जानाति हानिवृद्धी वा ॥ ५१३ ।। मरणं पत्थेइ रणे देइ सुबहुगंपि थुव्वमाणो दु। ण गणइ कज्जाकजं लक्खणमेयं तु काउस्स ॥ ५१४॥ मरणं प्रार्थयते रणे ददाति सुबहुकमपि स्तूयमानस्तु । न गणयति कार्याकार्य लक्षणमेतत्तु कपोतस्य ॥ ५१४ ॥ 512-13 and 514. (He who) is angry with, and talks ill of others, gives troubles of many kinds, is full of sorrow and fear, envies and disgraces others, praises himself in many ways, does not trust others, thinking (them) also to be like himself, is pleased with his laudation, and does not realise (his own or other's) loss and profit, desires to die in the battle-field, and on being praised gives too much (wealth), and does not take count of whether a thing is fit or unfit to do.--This (is one who has) the differentia of grey (thought-paint). जाणइ कज्जाकजं सेयमसेयं च सव्वसमपासी। दयदाणरदो य मिदू लक्खणमेयं तु तेउस्त ॥ ५१५॥ जानाति कार्याकार्य सेव्यमसेव्यं च सर्वसमदर्शी । दयादानरतश्च मृदुः लक्षणमेतत्तु तेजसः ॥ ५१५ ॥ 515. One who (knows) what is fit or unfit to do, what is fit or unfit to enjoy, looks upon all impartially, is engag. ed in compassion and charity, and is gentle- (has) these differentia of yellow (thought paint). Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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