Paritá-Sankhyáta atoms and maximum is a molecule of maximum innumerable x innumerable, Asankhyátá ---sankhyata atoms.
(3) Infinite-atom-molecule, Anantánu-Vargana-minimum is a molecule of minimum-plenary-infinite, Jaghanya-Paritánanta atoms. The maximum is its minimum multiplied by infinite part of liberated souls.
(4) Assimilation--molecule, Áhára-Vargana. Its minimum is the maximum of the last plus one atom and its maximum is its minimum plus the quotient obtained by dividing its minimum by the infinite part of liberated souls.
(5) Unreceivable-molecule, Agráhya-Vargana. Its minimum is the maximum of the last, plus one atom. Its maximum is its minimum multiplied by infinite part of liberated souls.
(6) Electric-molecule, Taijasa-Vargana. Its minimum is the maximum of the last, plus one atom and its maximum is its minimum plus the quotient obtained by dividing its minimum by infinite part of liberated souls.
(7) Unreceivable-molecule, Agráhya-Vargana. The minimum is the last, plus one. The maximum is the minimum multiplied by the infinite part of liberated souls.
(8) Speech-molecule, Bháshá-Vargana. The minimum is the last, plus one atom and the maximum is its minimum plus the quotient obtained by dividing its minimum by infinite part of liberated souls.
(9) Unreceivable-molecule, Agráhya-Vargana. The minimum is the maximum of the last, plus one atom. The maximum is its minimum multiplied by the infinite part of the liberated souls.
10) Mind-molecule, Mano-Varganá. The minimum is the maximum of the last, plus one atom, and the maximum is its minimum plus the quotient obtained by dividing its minimum by the infinite part of the liberated souls.
(11) Unreceivable-molecule, Agráhya-Vargana. The minimum is the maximum of the last, plus one, and the maximum is its minimum multiplied by infinite part of the liberated souls.
(12) Karmic-molecule, Kármana-Varganá. The minimum is the number of molecules of the maximum of the last, plus one, and the maximum is its minimum plus the quotient obtained by dividing its minimum by infinite part of the liberated souls.
(13) Fixed-molecule, Dhruva-Vargana. The minimum number is the maximum of the last plus one and the maximum is its minimum multiplied by the infinite times the number of souls.
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