broadened "door-leaf" (Kapáta) there is what is called Audáríka Mishrakáya Yoga (physical mixed with Karmic body vibrations). In these two instants during the over-flow and the withdrawal the omniscient is called incomplete vibratory (Apürna-yogá) soul.
लद्धिपुराणं मिच्छे तत्थवि बिदिये चउत्थछट्ठे य । व्वित्तित्र्पज्जत्ती तत्थवि सेसेसु पज्जत्ती ॥ १२७॥ लब्ध्यपूर्ण मिथ्यात्वे तत्रापि द्वितीये चतुर्थषष्ठे च । निर्वृय पर्याप्तिः तत्रापि शेषेषु पर्याप्तिः ॥ १२७ ॥
127. Absolutely non-developable souls (are only ) in (the stage of ) wrong belief ( the first spiritual stage), Potentially developable souls in this (i. e., the first) and also in the second (downfall Sásádana), the fourth, and the sixth stages (i. e., vowless right belief Avirata Samyaktva and incomplete vow pramatta-virata). The developable souls have these as also the rest of the thirteen stages).
Developableness does not go beyond the thirteenth stage, as in the fourteenth stage it is not possible owing to the absence of soul vibrations.
The reason for a potentially developable soul being in the first, second and fourth spiritual stages is that during the course of transmigration (vigragati) the soul is always in one of these stages and the same stage continues after assumption of a body, till it becomes developable i. e., gains its Paryáptis. The reason for a potentially developable soul being in the sixth stage is that the spiritual man-like emanation (Aháraka sháríra) is formed in this stage only; and during the course of its formation the condition of the saint is that of potential developableness.
हेमिपुढवणं जोइसिवणभवण सव्वइत्थीणं ।
पुरिणदरेण हि सम्मोग सासणो गारयापुराणे ॥ १२८ ॥ अथस्तनषट्टपृथ्वीनां ज्योतिष्कवान भावनसर्वस्त्रीणाम् । पूर्णेतरस्मिन् न हि सम्यक्त्वं न सासादनो नारकापूर्णे || १२८||
Jain Education International
128. In non-developable condition, there is no Right Belief (Samayaktva) to souls in the six neither-most earths,
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