there is the operation of that class of Karmic matter which gives rise to right-belief-slightly-clouded-by-wrong-belief. This slight clouding takes the form of the 3 defects -wavering (chala), defective or impure (mala), and non-steadfast (agádha).
By wavering; (chala) is meant that condition of right-belief in which its substance remains quite sound, but only the form is slightly disturbed, as the surface of the ocean is. disturbed by the waves ; an example of it, which is generally, given is that of a man who worships Shantinátha specially, rather than the other Tirthankaras for acquiring peace or Shánti.
By defective or impure (mala), is meant right-belief which has got the five following defects :
(1) Shanká --Doubt, Scepticism. (2) Kánkshá - Desire of sense pleasures. (3) Jugupsá- Disgust with a sick or deformed person. (4) Anyadrishţi-Prashansa-Thinking admiringly of wrong
believers. (5) Anyadrishți Samstava-Praising wrong believers.
By non-steadfast (Agádha) is meant right-belief which is not quite fixed in the true nature of things ; for example, worshipping in one's own temple in preference to the temple built by others. It is something like a mirror attached to a pivot, to which it is not firmly fixed. It will show a perfect image but not steady. For a man who has steadfast right-belief knows that it makes not the slightest difference, whether you worship in your temple or in one built by your neighbour.
These 3 defects do not occur in subsidential-right-belief also. In this and in the destructive-right-belief, the vision is clear, and there is no room for doubt or defects. None of these 7 Karmas is operative to cloud the clearness of the vision. It is only in the destructive-subsidential-right-belief that the Samyaktva Prakriti Mithyátva is operative, and therefore these defects arise.*
सम्माइट्टी जीवो उपइट्ठ पबयणं तु सदहदि । सदहदि असम्भावं अजाणमाणो गुरुणियोगा॥२७॥
* It is worth while to consider and compare these 3 defects with 5 kinds of (Mithyátva and the eight angâs of Samyaktva).
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