Vidyananda has profusely quoted Akalanka in his works,1 and elucidated the works of Akalanka by bringing out the hidden meaning of Akalankanyāya.
8. Silänkācārya (V. 925: A.D. 868):
Silānkācārya is a well-known commentator on Agamas; he quotes two ślokas from LT in Sūtrakṛtangaṭīkā2.
9. Abhayadevasūris (10th c. A.D.):
Abhayadevasūri, the tarkapañcanana quotes some verses from LT with vṛtti in Sanmati-Tarkatīkā to substantiate the study of Pramāņas.
10. Somadevasüri (10th c. A.D.):
Somadevasūri,5 the versatile writer quotes in his Yasastilaka Campū, a verse 'ätmalābham vidurmokṣam'......from SV (VII. 19).
11. Anantakirti (10th c. A.D.):
Anantakirti quotes dasahastantaram (SV. VIII. 12) in his Laghu sarvajñasiddhi (p. 120) which is enriched by the arguments of Akalanka.
12. Manikyanandi (993-1053 A.D.)".
Manikyanandi was the preceptor of Prabhācandra; his Parīkṣāmukhasutra is the gist of Akalanka-nyayaR.
13. Säntisüri (993-1047)9
Santisūri quotes in Nyāyāvatāravārtika10 a verse "bhedajñānāt” (NV I. 114) and "asiddhaḥ siddhasenasya" (SV VI. 21) with some alteration; he criticises (p. 53) "tridha śrutamaviplavam" from pramānasamgraha (v. 2) of Akalanka. For the influence of Akalanka on Säntisūri's Nyāyāvatāravārtika readers are referred to the appendix to the same (p. 297).
1 Vide Hindi Intro. p. 40 f. ns. 1-8.
2 On p. 227a and 236a, vv. 4 & 72 resp.
3 Sanmati, Intro. p. 83.
See Hindi Intro. p. 40 f. n. No. 12.
5 JSI, p. 182.
6 P.
Aptapariksa, Intro. p. 33,
8 Vide. the Appendix to Intro. to Prameyakamalamärtaṇḍa in which the PMS is Compared with the various works of Akalanka, NVV and AGT. etc. Nyāyāvatäravārtika, p. 151.
P. 110.
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