(6) The Nidigi stone inscription refers to Anantavirya as the Sun to the lotus garden of Krāņāragaña. It bears the date, Saka 1039 (1117 A.D.).
(7) The Kadambahalli inscription: refers to Anantavīrya as “Rāddhāntārnavapäraga, ādi-cāru-cāritra bhūdhara4” belonging to Sūrasthagana. His disciple was Bālacandramuni. The inscription bears the date Saka 1040 (1118 A.D.)
(8) The Kalluragudda inscription5, dated saka 1043 (1127 A.D.) of Siddheśvaramandira refers to Anantavīrya as Suddhākṣarā kārada,belonging to the Acāryas of Krāņūragana. It refers to Anantavirya and Municandra as colleagues of Prabhācandra who had his lay disciple named Bhujabalaganga Barmadeva. The latter had four sons : Mārasinga, Nanniyaganga Rakkasaganga and Bhujabalaganga. The date of donation by the Barmadeva is shown as Saka 976 (1054 A.D.). It shows that Rakkasagañgadeva, the lay disciple of Anantavīrya donated during the same period of time?.
(9) The stone inscrption of Someśvaramandira at Purale refers to Anantavirya, the Siddhāntakāra Prabhācandra's colleague Abhinavaganadhara.8 He is referred also in the list of Acāryas belonging to the krānūragana of Mulasangha. Its date is Saka 1056 (1132 A.D.). This inscription
gests that the donation was granted at the instance of the disciple of Prabhācandra Siddhāntadeva in Saka 989 (1069 A.D.).
(10) The Humach inscription' refers to Anantavirya Mahāvādi as the junior colleague of Sțipāladeva.10 He belongs to Nandigana of Drāvida samgha. It bears the date Śaka 1069 (1147 A.D.).
The examination of the above mentioned ten inscriptions presents to us three Anantaviryas of different lineage.
(i) Anantavirya mentioned in No. 4 belonging to the tradition
of lineage Nandigana Arungalānvaya of Dravidasamgha He 1 JSL Vol. II. p. 392. * Ibid. p. 395. * Ibid. p. 399. 4 Ibid. p. 399. 5 JSL. Vol. II. p. 408. 8 Ibid. p. 416. ? Ibid. p. 452. 8 Ibid. p. 464. • JSL. Vol. III. p. 66. 10 Ibid. p. 72.
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