INTRODUCTION (V. 1112 ; 1055 A.D.).1 The date of Prabhācandra can be fixed in between 960 and 1020 A.D.2
(5) śāntyācārya, while discussing the problem of perception in Jainatarkavārtika-vrtti (p. 77), refers to such phrase, “smrtyūhādikamityeke'. The views referred to Anantavīrya are found in SVT based on Akalañka-nyāya4. The date of śāntyācārya has been fixed between V. S. 1050 and 1175 (993-1118 A.D.).
(6) Vādidevasūri in his Syādvādaratnākara (p. 350) while critically examining the doctrine of identity of dharana and sam skāra held by the great Vidyānanda, refers to Anantavīrya's view on the same topic : 'Ananatavīryo'pi tathā nirnītasya kālāntare tathaiva smaranahetuh saņskāro dhāranā iti tadevāvadat”. Similarly Devasūri in his Kevalibhukti samarthana, refers to Anantavirya as: 'anatavīrya-prabhrtipranītāh kuhetavah kevalibhukti siddhyai, anye’pi ye te pi niväranīyah'. He was in the Acārya status in V. S. 1174 (1117 A.D.); the period of his activities can be said to be from V. S. 1174 (1117 A.D.) to V. S. 1226 (1169 A.D.); because, hs happened to die during the reign of Rājarși Kumārapāla. The view about KB which Vädidevasuri refers to Anantavīrya is not found in the present text SVT.
But so far as the theory of non-difference between dhāraņā and sam skāra, held by Akalanka? and justified by Vidyānanda, 8 is concerned we find such discussion in SVT, for instance, while commenting upon the first verse of the second chapter, he interpretes ‘sam skāratām pätyapi' as 'dhāranātmikā bhavati'9. Anantavirya was also the expnent of the said doctrine referred to above. It seems, that the reference to Kevalibhukti to which Vādidevasurihad made, may be in Anantavirya's Pramānasaṁgrahabhāsya or it may refer to other Anantavirya.
(7) After Prabhācandra's work Prameyakamalamārtanda, the commentary on Pariksāmukha sūtra of Manikyanandi, there has been one Anantavīrya, who wrote Parikṣāmukha Pañjikā, named Prameyaratnamālā; this
1 His record of gift has been found belonging to the V. S. 1112 ; see also Rājā-Bhoia
by Visveśvaranātha Reu, Pp. 102-3. 2 Vide NKC, vol. II, Intro. p. 48. 3 SVT, p 223. 4 LTV, v. 61. 5 JTVV, Intro. k. 151. 6 Jaina Sahityano Itihasa, p. 248. 7 LTV, v. 5. 8 TSLV, p. 220. 9 SVT, p. 120.
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