on Akalanka's SV was discovered, Pt. Jugalkishorji identified the Siddhiviniscaya referred to in NC with that of Akalanka in his article on SVT in Anekānta. This evoked further research in this direction as a result of which Pt. Sukhalalji and Pt. Bechardāsji rightly pointed out that the reference to SV in NC cannot be that of SV of Akalarka, since Jinadāsa Mahattara is decidedly earlier than Akalankal. In fact, the SV referred to in NC should necessarily be the work of an unknown author other than Akalanka, who must have been a Svetāmbara ; for (i) there is no other evidence to prove that the Svetāmbara Acāryas have referred to a Digambara work as darśanaprabhāvaka, (ii) the reference to SV is with a Svetāmbara work, viz. Sanmati, moreover it is given the first place in order of mentioning. Muni Jinavijayaji also expressed such opinions3 in his foreword to AGT. I had also my own doubts regarding this matter. If NC refers to Akalarika's SV., the author must be posterior to Akalanka ; further it was a matter of doubt whether Jinadāsa was the author of Nandicūrni ; the existence of SV, except that of Akalarika was not thought of ;4 for, SV of Akalarika is purely a philosophical classic which could have been glorified by Śvetāmbara Acāryas. Though Jinavijayaji attempted to establish Jinadāsa as the author of Nandicūrni and placed him in 676 A.D. the problem of SV referred to in NC was not solved. Happily, this problem is now solved on the strength of explicit reference to Sivārya's SV in Strimukti tikā and Amoghavrtti. It is a matter of pretty certainty that Sivärya was Yāpaniya, since Sākatāyana who quotes SV of Sivārva. was himself a devout Yāpāniya; naturally the Svetāmbara Ācāryas quote it (SV of Śivārya) whenever they discuss the problem of Strimukti. Sivārya can be placed before 7th C. A.D. on the basis of his reference in NC.
On the basis of this discussion it can be conclusively proved that NC does not refer to SV of Akalarika. So he can be placed in 8th C. A.D. and certainly not in the 7th C. A.D.
The Crux of the whole discussion is :1. Akalanka's narration of his victory at the court of King
Himaśitala before Dantidurga alias Sāhasatunga ; Dantidurga ruled in the year 745-755 A.D., he had biruda Sāhasatunga which fact is conclusively proved by the Pillar Inscription
of Rāmeśvara temple. Anekānta, vol. I. No. 4. 2 NKC, Vol. I Intro. P. 105. Note 3. 3 AGT. Foreword, P. 5. 4 Ibid, Intro. pp. 14-15.
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