Dr. Hiralal Jain in support of this interpretation quotes a line from the commentary on Trilokasāra (v. 850) by Mādhavacandra Traividya which contains "Sri Viranāthanīvrte” sakāśāț Parcaśatottara şať šatavar şāni” (605) pancamāsayutāni gatvā paścāt Vikramārkasakarājo Jayate etc. which shows the tradition of attaching the word Vikramārka with Saka era.
Hence Samvat, referred to in Akalanka Carita, is in complete conformity with the historical fact of mentioning Saka era with Vikramānka. This contention is also held by J. C. Vidyālaňkāra?.
(4) Conceding to the facts of Akalanka's contemporaneity with Sāhasatunga Dantidurga and flourishing in 720-780 A.D., it is by no means impossible for Dhavalā to quote TV of Akalanka, which was accepted as an authentic text within a short period due to its intrinsic value, the possibility of quoting it is still more enhanced when we purview that the TV was the first work of Akalanka.
(5) Further Acārya Siddhasenagani wrote a commentary on bhasya of TSu. Pt. Sukhalalji assigns him between 7th c. A.D. and 9th c. A.D.2 Because Siddhasena refers to Dharmakīrti and is referred to by Silātikācārya (Śaka 799; 877 A.D.) in his Vrtti on Acārānga3 ; hence he must have flourished during the last phase of 8th c. A.D. Panditji conjectures4 that Akalanka, Gandhahasti (Siddhasena) and Haribhadra might be contemporaries; if so, Akalanka's TVA or Rājavartika could be before Siddhasena (last quarter of 8th c. A.D.).
Though one more Siddhiviniscaya of Arya Sivasvāmi has been found out; Siddhasena’s reference to 'evam.....Siddhivini ścaya srstiparikṣāto', seems to be definitely indicating SV (VII Ch. on Sāstrasiddhi, v. 13) of Akalanka.5
(6) The age of Haribhadra is fixed by Muni Jinavijayaji to be 700-770 A.D. on the basis of Kuvalayamālā (777 A.D.) of Uddyotana who refers to Haribhadra, and on other internal evidences. It has been shown elsewhere? that Haribhadra quotes verbatim the second pādas of two verses from Nyāyamanjarī in his Şaddarśana-samuccaya (v. 20). Though recent research
1 Vide Hindi Intro. p. 50, f. N. 4. 2 Tattvārthasūtra, Intro. p. 46. 3 ibid, p. 43, Note 2. • See Hindi Intro. p. 53. 5 ibid, p. 51. 6 Jaina Sāhitya Samsodhaka, vol. I, Part 1.
7 NKC, vol. II, Intro. p. 38. 18 JBORS, vol. IV, 1955.
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