2. THE AUTHORS: AKALANKA in Nyāya studies has shown that Trilocana, the guru of Vācaspati Miśra, had written a Nyāyamañjari still it is definite that the quotation by Haribhadra is from Jayanta's Nyāyamañjarī. The age of Jayanta was fixed by myself to be 760-840 A.D.1
As has already been shown elsewhere, the date of Haribhadra should be extended to 810 A.D., in view of the fact that he quotes Nyāyamañjari of Jayanta who flourished in 760-840 A.D.2
Therefore, Haribhadra's age lies from 720 A.D. to 810 A.D. In other words, he was the contemporary of Akalarka.
Haribhadra's reference to “Akalarkanyāyānusāri cetoharam vacah” in Anekāntajayapatākā (p. 275) implies the soptless character of logic and in no way is referring to Akalanka's Nyāya works. In AJP there are still more references of this type e.g. "nişkalarkamati samutprekṣita sanyāyānusāratah”, such epithets are used while discussing the pūrvapakşa of Buddhists and Naiyāyikas who claim the purity of their own logic; hence it is clear that they do not refer to Akalanka's logic.
(7) Jinadāsagani refers to Siddhiviniscaya in his Nisītha Cūrņi but it bears no relation whatsover with the present SV of Akalanka. Muni Punyavijayaji' has found out a ţikä on a treatise named Strimukti of Säkatāyana; it is in a mutilated condition having some of the leaves of the first and the last portion missing. In that MS. there is reference to “......Bhagavadācārya-Sivasvāminaḥ Siddhiviniscaye.....”, indicating the existence of Siddhiviniscaya by Sivārya, who is other than Akalarka ; because the views quoted in the name of Sivārya from SV are against the views of Akalanka, particularly regarding the problem of Strīmukti.
Sākațāyana in his Amoghavrtti4 (1.3.-168) refers Sivārya’s Siddhiviniscaya as :-“Sādhu khalvidam......Siddher-viniscayah Sivārya sya Siväryeņa vā......” which fact clearly menifests that Sivārya also wrote a work named Siddhiviniscaya.
There is hardly any doubt that sākatāyana had before him Sivārya's Siddhiviniscaya which defends Strimukti.
When in the year 1926 A.D. the reference to Siddhivini scaya was found out in Nisītha-cūrņi (NC) and the MS. of Anantavīrya's Siddhivini ścayațīkā
1 NKC, vol. II, Intro. p. 16; in the light of recent researches a correction is required
to be made in one of my arguments: the verse, 'ajñānatimira'......etc., which
refers to Nya yamanjari written by a guru of Vācaspati is none else than Trilocana. 2 Ibid, p. 16. 3 The author is indebted to Pt. Mālvania for this suggestion. 4 Vide Hindi Intro. p. 53.
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