Vada ] Gañadharavada
. : 117 : Trans.—83 If variety (in the case ) of external ( objects) is established, variety ( in the case) of Karman which is surr. ounded by soul should ( all the more ) be accepted ( as positive like the variety of forms laid down in a piece of art. ( 1631
टीका-यदि हि जीवापरिगृहीतानामपि बाह्यानामभ्रादिपुद्गलानां नानाकारपरिणतिरूपा चित्रता त्वया प्रतिपन्ना, तर्हि जीवानुगतानां कर्मपुद्गलानां विशेषत एवास्माकं भवतश्च सा सम्मता भविष्यति, भक्तयो विच्छित्तयस्तासामिव चित्रादिषु शिल्पिन्यस्तानाम् । अयमभिप्राय:चित्रकरादिशिल्पिजीवपरिगृहीतानां चित्र-लेप्य-काष्ठकर्मानुगतपुद्गलानां या परिणामचित्रता सा वित्रसापरिणतेन्द्रधनुरादिपुद्गलपरिणामचित्रतायाः सकाशाद् विशिष्टैवेति प्रत्यक्षतः एव दृश्यते । अतो जीवपरिगृहीतत्वेन कर्मपुद्गलानामपि सुखदुःखादिवैचित्र्यजननरूपा विशिष्टतरा परिणामचित्रता कथं न स्यात् । इति ॥ ८३ (१६३१) ॥
D. C.--Now that you have accepted citrută in the form of manifold transformations in the case of bahyu-pudgalas like abhra etc. which are not surrounded by jîva, you shall have to accept the same in the case of Karmn-pudgalas also as they have already been surrouided by jîvas. · Again, the citratā of forms drawn by an artist in painting, sculpturing, carpentry etc. is peculiarly distinct from the citratā of the manifold vikaras of bāhya-pudgalas like rain-bow etc., while in the case of Karma-pudgalas also, the pariņāmacitratā is peculiarly distinct from the other two varieties, firstly because it gives rise to alterations like sukha, duḥkha etc. and secondly because it is aided by jîva.
___Again, the opponent asks :तो जइ तणुमेत्तं चिय हवेज का कम्मकप्पणा नाम?। कम्मं पि नणु तणु च्चिय सण्हयरब्भंतरा नवरं ॥८४॥ (१६३२) To jai taņumettam ciya havejja kā kammakappaņā nāma ?! Kammam pi nanu tanu cciya sanhayarabbhantara navaram ॥ (1632)