[ देहानन्ये वा जीवे यदग्निहोत्रादि स्वर्गकामस्य ।
वेदविहितं विहन्यते दानादिफलं च लोके ।। १३६ ॥ ( १६८४ )
Dehananye va jîve yadagnihotrādi svargakāmasya i Vedavihitam vihanyate danādiphalam ca loke || 136 | ( 1684) ]
Trans.—136 Or, if Jiva is ( believed to be ) identical with deha ( the body ), then, ( obstruction of the ) rites like agnihotra (the worship of sacred-fire) for a person aspiring for Salvation and the reward of munificence etc. (danadiphala) in the world prescribed by the Vedas, would be refuted ( 1684 ).
टीका - शरीरमात्रे जीवे सति गौतम ! यत् स्वर्गकामस्य वेदविहितमग्निहोत्राद्यनुष्ठानं तद् विहन्यते, देहस्य वह्निनाऽत्रैव भस्मीकरणात्, जीवाभावे कयास स्वर्गो भवेत् । इति भावः । दानादिफलं चानुभवितुरभावात् कस्य भवेत् ? इति ॥ १३६ ( १६८४ ) ॥
D. C. - O Goutama ! If each and every s'artra is believed to be identical with jiva, the commandment of the Vedas that a person who desires to attain Salvation should perform the rite of Agnihotra, would be null and void. Because, when body is reduced to ashes by fire in this world, the Jiva being taken to be identical with body is also supposed to have vanished with the body. And then, who would attain Salvation when Jiva itself does not exist?
Similarly, who would be there to enjoy the fruits of good deeds like dana when there would be none to receive them at all?
Vayubhuti entertains doubt as regards the distinction of Soul from body by hearing the various Veda-padas bearing contradictory arguments. Bhagavan Mahavira interprets these Veda-padas correctly and clears his doubt.
विष्णाणघणाईणं वेयपयाणं तमत्थमविदंतो । देहाणपणं मन्नसिं ताणं च पयाणमयमत्थो ॥ १३७ ॥ (१६८५)