Jinabhadra Gani's
[The eleventh
like ghata etc. nor are they produced like lightning etc. The moonlight and sun-shine obscured by clouds are not said to have been produced when the obstruction of the clouds has been removed. They are only said to have been manifested in a particular way.
Still however, jñāna and sukha of a muktātmā could easily be considered as a-nitya by virtue of their being kritaka. Because, at every time when jneya vanishes, jñāna is also vanishing and sukha also comes into existence in various forms at various times. So, there is no difficulty in taking both of them to be a-nitya to a certain extent as all objects like soul, sky, gheta, and pata etc are susceptible to utpāda, vyaya and dhrauvya after all. 11 466 11 ( 2014 )
Establishing the existence of moksa and moksa-sukha by the help of Veda-vacanas, the author proceeds— नह वइ ससरीरस्स प्पिय-ऽप्पियावहतिरेवमादि व जं । तदमोक्खे नासम्मि व सोक्खाभावम्मि व न जुत्तं ॥४६७॥(२०१५) Na ha vai sasarîrassa ppiya-ppiyāyahatirevamādi va jami Tadamokkhe nāsammi va sokkhābhāvammi va na juttam 1146711 [न ह वै सशरीस्य प्रिया-ऽप्रियापहतिरेवमादि वा यत् ।
तदमोक्षे नाशे वा सौख्याभावे वा न युक्तम् ॥ ४६७ ॥ (२०१५) Na ha vai sa-sarîrasya priya-'priyāpahatirevamādi va yati Tadamokse nāse vā saukhyabhave va na yuktam ॥467॥ (2015)]
___ Trans.-467 (The sentence of Vedas that ) " One having body has no likes and dislikes etc ” would becoine worthless in ( case of ) accepting the negation or destruction of moksa and absence of ( absolute ) happiness. ( 2015 )
टीका-" न ह वै सशरीरस्य प्रिया-ऽप्रिययोरपहतिरस्ति" "अशरीरं वा वसन्तं प्रिया-प्रिये न स्पृशतः" इति च यद् वेदोक्तम् , तदप्यमोक्षे मोक्षाभावे-जीव-कर्मणोवियोगेऽनभ्युपगम्यमान इत्यर्थः, तथा, "मविरपि न