•: 344 :Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The sixth ( its ) bandha. But due to the abhāva of s'arîra etc, a free Soul is not able to contain them. So, bandha does not take place in absence of samyoga of the multiplication of karmas but it depends upon the hetus such as mothyātva etc.
Mandika :-Like bandhas, you doubt as to whether that free Soul appears in the next life or not. 11 292 ( 1840 ) ||
Bhagavān replies :न पुणो तस्स पसूई बीयाभावादिहंकुरस्सेव । बीयं च तस्स कम्मं न य तस्स तयं तओ निचो॥२९३॥ (१८४१) Na puno tassa pasūī bîyābhāvādiharikurasseva i Biyam ca tassa kammam na ya tassa tayam tao nicco 129311 (1841) [न पुनस्तस्य प्रसूतिबीजाभावादिहाङ्करस्येव ।
बीजं च तस्य कर्म न च तस्य तत ततो नित्यः ॥ २९३ ॥ (१८४१) Na punastasya prasūtibijābhāvadihankurasyeva 1 Bijam ca tasya karma na ca tasya tat tato nityaḥ (12931 (1841)]
Trans.—293. Like a sprout without seed, it has no birth again, since Karma is its seed. It no more belongs to that ( muktātmā ) which in that case, becomes everlasting. ( 1841 )
टीका-न तस्य मुक्तस्य पुनरपि भवप्रसूतिरुपजायते, बीजाभावात्कारणस्यासत्वात् , यथाऽङ्करस्य तदभावाद् न प्रसूतिः । बीजं चास्य कर्मैवावगन्तव्यम् , तच्च मुक्तस्य नास्त्येव, ततः पुनरावृत्त्यभावाद् नित्योऽसाविति ॥ २९३ ॥ (१८४१)॥
D. C.-Just as a sprout does not grow without seed, the muktātmā does not take any birth in absence of Karma which acts as its baja. When muktātmā is said to have no janma (birth ), it goes without saying that he is nitya also. 11293 (1841)