Vada ]
without any obstruction or like a man relieved of all household worries.
This proves, therefore, the assertion that a free soul enjoys perfect happiness by means of perfect perception, when all its obstructions have been removed. ॥ 452-453 ॥ ( 2000-2001)]
Then doubting the existence of happiness to a free soul, the opponent arguesपुण्णा-ऽपुण्णकयाइं जं सुह-दुक्खाइं तेण तन्नासे । तन्नासाओ मुत्तो निस्सुह-दुक्खो जहागासं ॥४५४॥ (२००२) अहवा निस्सुह-दुक्खो नभं व देहें-दियादभावाओ। आधारो देहो च्चिय जं सुह-दुक्खोवलद्धीणं ॥४५५॥ (२००३) Punnā-'punnakayāim jam suha-dukkhāim tena tannāse i Tannāsão mutto nissuha-dukkho jahāgāsam 11 454 II ( 2002 ) Ahavā nissuha-dukkho nabham va dehe'ndiyāi bhāvāo 1 Adhāro deho cciya jam suha-dukkhovaladdhînam 1145511 (2003) [ पुण्या-ऽपुण्यकृते यत् सुख-दुःखे तेन तन्नाशे ।
तन्नाशाद् मुक्तो निःसुख-दुःखो यथाकाशम् ।। ४५४ ॥ (२००२) अथवा निःसुख-दुःखो नभ इव देहे-न्द्रियाद्यभावात् ।
आधारो देह एव यत् सुख-दुःखोपलब्धीनाम् ।। ४५५ ।। (२००३) Punys-'punyakrite yat sukha-duhkhe tena tannase | Tanna.sad mukto nihsukha-duhik ho yathākāsam ॥ 454 ॥ (2002) Athavă nihsukh-duḥkho nabha iva dehe-ndriyadyabhāvāti Ādhāro deha eva yat sukha-duhkhopalabdhînām ||455||(2003)]
Trans.-454-455 Since happiness and misery are the products of punya and papa ( respectively ), the mukta ( soul ) will be free from punya and pāpa like ākāśa, because it vanishes with them. Or, since body ( itself ) is the means of