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Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The eleventh
Jo vā dehin-diyajam suhamicchai tam paducca doso'yami Samsārāîyamidam dhammantarameva siddhisuham 11 4641 (2012) [ यो वा देहे-न्द्रियजं सुखमिच्छति तं प्रतीत्य दोषोऽयम् ।
संसारातीतमिदं धर्मान्तरमेव सिद्धिसुखम् ।। ४६४ ॥ (२०१२) Yo vá dehe-ndriyajam sukhamicchati tam pratîtya doso'yami Samsāratîtamidam dharmántarameva siddhisukham 1146411 (2012)]
Trans.--464 Or, according to one who believes in the happiness (afforded) by body and sense alone, this (may involve) a difficulty. But this celestial happiness is far above the mundane world and has ( perfectly ) different characteristics. ( 2012 )
टीका-यो वा कश्चित् संसाराभिनन्दी मोहमूढः परमार्थादर्शी विषया. मिषमात्रगृद्धो देहे-न्द्रियजमेव सुखं मन्यते, न तु सिद्धिसुखम् , तस्य तेन स्वमेऽप्यदर्शनात् , तस्य वादिनः संसारविपक्षे मोक्षे प्रमाणतः साधिते सति "निःसुखः, सिद्धः, देहे-न्द्रियाभावात्" इत्ययं दोषो भवेत; न त्वस्माकं संसारातीतं पुण्य-पापफलसुख-दुःखाभ्यां सर्वथा विलक्षणं धर्मान्तरमेवाऽनुपममक्षयं निरुपचरितं सिद्धिसुखमिच्छतामिति ।। ४६४ ॥ (२०१२) ___D. C-According to one who is disillusioned by the infatuation of this mundane world and its sensuous pleasures, the happiness of deha and indriyas would be the only happiness and there would be nothing like moksc-sukha in his view-point. He would, therefore, find fault with our belief by saying that muktātmā can never experience sukha as it has no deha and andrreyas.
But those like us who recognize the existence of muktātmā and its uncomparable infinite happiness, understand that moksa-sukha being samsārātîta, has absolutely different characteristics and hence, there is no dosa. || 464 || ( 2012 )
Here again, there is a question and its replyकह नणु मेयं ति मई नाणा-णाबाहउ ति नणु भणियं । तदणिचं गाणं पि य चेयणधम्मो त्ति रागो व ॥४६५॥ (२०१३)