Vada ] Gañadharavada
: 453 :. टीका-धेनु-विषधरयोभिन्ने शरीर आहारस्य परिणामवैचित्र्यं दर्शितम्। 'वा' इत्यथवा, यथैकस्मिन्नपि पुरुषादिशरीरेऽविशिष्टेऽप्येकरूपोऽप्याहारो गृहीतस्तत्क्षण एव सारा-ऽसारपरिणामतामेति-रसा-ऽसृग्-मांसादिरसपरिणामं मूत्र-पुरीषरूपमलपरिणामं च युगपदागच्छतीत्यर्थः, तथा कर्मणोऽप्यविशिष्टस्य गृहीतस्य परिणामा-ऽऽश्रयवशात् शुभा-ऽशुभविभागो द्रष्टव्य इति ॥ ३९७ ॥ (१९४५)
D. C.-Even in case of one and the same body and the same food, the food results either in substantial forms like bile chyle, blood and flesh etc. or in worthless forms like urine, foeces etc. immediately after it has been consumed.
In the same way, s'ubha and a-s'ubha divisions in case of Karma, should also be recognized by reason of distinction of pariņāma and ās'raya. Il 397 11 ( 1945 )
The author now, illustrates the distinction of punya and papa, and establishes their existence by means of āgamas--
सायं सम्म हासं पुरिस-रइ-सुभाउ-नाम-गोत्ताई। पुण्णं, सेसं पावं नेयं सविवागमविवागं ॥ ३९८ ॥ (१९४६) Sāyam sammam hāsam purisa-rai-subhāu-nāma-gottāim i Puņnam, sesam pāvam neyam sa-vivāgamavivāgam 1139811 (1946) [सातं सम्यक्त्वं हास्यं पुरुष-रति-शुभायु-र्नाम-गोत्राणि ।
पुण्यं, शेषं पापं ज्ञेयं सविपाकमविपाकम् ॥ ३९८ ॥ (१९४६) Satam samyaktvam häsyam puruşa-rati-śubhāyurnāma-gotrāni Punyam, sesam pupam jmeyam sa-vipakamavipakam ||398॥ (1946)]
Trans.-398 Comfort, right belief ( samyaktva ), mirth, masculine form love, and virtuous life, name and lineage-all these are known as punya (prakritis ). The rest should be known as pāpa (prakritis). (Both of them may be) with or without fruition. ( 1940 )