Book Title: Gandharwad
Author(s): Ratnaprabhvijay, D P Thaker
Publisher: Jain Granth Prakashak Sabha

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Page 540
________________ Vada ] Gañadharavada •: 499 :. जह दीवो निवाणो परिणामन्तरमिओ तहा जीवो। भण्णइ परिनिवाणो पत्तोऽणाबाहपरिणामं ॥ ४४३॥ (१९९१) Jaha dîvo nivvāno parināmantaramio tahā jīvo | Bhannai parinivvāno patto'nābāhaparinamam n 443 ॥ ( 1991 ) [ यथा दीपो निर्वाणः परिणामान्तरमितस्तथा जीवः । भण्यते परिनिर्वाणः प्राप्तोऽनाबाधपरिणामम् ॥ ४४३ ॥ ( १९९१ ) Yathā dipo nirvanah pariņāmāntaramitastathā jīvaḥ | Bhanyate parinirvāṇaḥ prapto’nābād haparıņānam 1144311 (1991)] Trans.—443 Just as light changed into another form, is said to have attained nirvāņa (final extinction) the Soul also, is said to have attained nirvana ( final liberation when it has turned into a faultless form. ( 1991) ___टीका-यथऽनन्तरोक्तस्वरूपपरिणामान्तरं प्राप्तः प्रदीपो “निर्वाणः" इत्युच्यते तथा जीवोऽपि कर्मविरहितकेवलामूर्तजीवस्वरूपभावलक्षणमबा, परिणामान्तरं प्राप्तो निर्वाणो निर्वृति प्राप्त उच्यते । तस्माद् दुःखादिक्षयरूपा सतोऽवस्था निर्वाणमिति स्थितम् ॥ ४४३ ॥ (१९९१) ___D C.-Just as light is said to have atained nevāna when it changes into darkness, the Soul is also said to have attained nirvāna when it has changed into a form which is void of Karma, and which possesses absolutely a-mūrtu characteristics of the form and nature of the Soul. This sbows that moksa is nothing but the pure eternal positive condition of jîva when miseries etc are exterminated. Prabhāsa:—If moksa is nothing but the pure eternal positive condition of gîva, at the removal of miseries etc, then, in absence of objects of pleasure like s'abda etc, the free Soul will have no happiness. ll 443 11 ( 1991 ) Bhagavān replies:


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