:: 460 :
Jinabhadra Gaņi's
The tenth
Abhāşitaśca Jinena jati-jara-niaraṇavipramuktena 1 Namnā ca gotrena ca sarvajnena sarvadarsini 402 ॥ (1950 ) ]
Trans.-402 He was addressed by his name and lineage by the Tirtharkara, who was entirely free from birth old age and death, who was omniscient, and who had (attained ) complete darsana. ( Undifferentiated knowledge. ) ( 1950 )
The Tirtharikara then said, किं मन्ने परलोओ अस्थि नत्थि त्ति संसओ तुज्झ । वेयपयाण य अत्थं न याणसि तेसिमो अत्थो॥४०३॥(१९५१) Kim manne paralöo atthi natthi tti samsao tujjha Veyapayana ya attham na yānasi tesimo attho ॥ 403 ॥ (1951) [किं मन्यसे परलोकोऽस्ति नास्तीति संशयस्तव ।।
वेदपदानां चार्थं न जानासि तेषामयमर्थः ॥ ४०३॥ (१९५१) Kim manyase paraloko’sti nāstīti samsayastava | Veda-padánām cartham na janāsi teşāmayamarthah 114031(1951)]
Trans.-403 What are you thinking about ? You entertain the doubt as to whether the next world exists or not. But ( ca) you have not understood the ( real ) meaning of the sentences of Vedas. Here is their (real ) interpretation. (1951)
टीका-आयुष्मन् मेतार्य ! त्वमेवं मन्यसे-किं भवान्तर गमनलक्षणः परलोकोऽस्ति, नास्ति वा ? इति । अयं च संशयस्तव विरुद्धवेदपदश्रुतिनिबन्धनो वर्तते । तानि च " विज्ञानघन एवैतेभ्यो भूतेभ्यः" इत्यादीनि प्रथमगणधरोक्तानि द्रष्टव्यानि। "तेषां चार्थं न जानासि" इत्यादि तथैवेति॥ ४०३ ॥ (१९५१)
D. C.-0 long-lived Metārya! your doubt about the existence of para-loka has arisen from your hearing various Veda-padas bearing contradictory senses.
These Veda-padas are "Vijñānaghana evaitebhyo bhūtebhyo"