Vada ] Gañadharavada
.: 241 इतीहापि संबध्यते, तद्रूपतया सदावस्थितत्वादिति भावः। पर्यायगत्या पर्यायचिन्तया पुनः सर्व भजनीयविकल्पनीयम्-पूर्वजातं घटादिकं रूपादिभिः स्वपर्यायैरपि न जायते, पूर्वजातत्वादेव, अजातं तु तत् स्वपर्यायैर्जायते, परपर्यायैस्तु किञ्चिदपि न जायते, इत्येवं पर्यायचिन्तायां भजना। एतच्च प्रायो gripahala 11 860-868-862-86311 (8026-8028-81930.81938)||
D. C.--Several objects like ghata which have once been jāta in this world, could be produced by reason of their rūpatva. Before the rupa of ghata is produced, the rūpa of earth is already there and hence the ghata which is jāta to the apeksā of rūpitva is produced in this way. Thereafter, ghata is a-jata as far as shape is considered. When it takes the shape in course of production, the a-jāta ghata comes into existence. The jātājāta ghata is produced in both the ways-rūpitva as well as the akora. Moreover, ghata which is jāyamāna is produced only during the present tense. The past having already vanished and future having not yet come, the process of being produced takes place only during the present tense.
There are several objects of peculiar types which do not go under any of the above-mentioned categories. e. g. A ghata which has already been produced in the past, could never be produced as a ghata again in any of the above-stated ways. Secondly, ghata could not be produced on account of the characteristics of other objects like pata etc. As ghata has its own process of production and characteristics, it could not be produced like an existent pata or a non-existent kharasanga, Thirdly, ghata which is being produced during the present time, could never be produced as pata etc. For, kūrya which is being produced as ghata etc. could never be produced as an absolutely different object like pata. So, all objects e.g, ghata, pata, ākas'a etc., could not be produced in the form of substance as they are primarily made in that state. But, as far as paryāya is concerned, all are said to have been produced.