.: 272
Jinabhadra Gaņi's (The fourth तदजीवत्वे चाकृता-कारितादिपरिभोगेन निर्वहत्येव यतीनां संयमः । न च "जीवधनो लोकः" इत्येतावन्मात्रेणैव हिंसा संभवतीति ॥२१४॥(१७६२)॥
___D. C.-Vyakta :-If the world is packed with jitvas such as prithvî etc. even an ascetic will not be able to follow the vow of ahumsā, as they will least require food etc. which they would not obtain without himsā.
____Bhagavāna :-For this, it has already been said O Vyakta ! that prithvi etc. become lifeless when beaten by weapons. Thus, when they become a-jiva there is no objection for yatis to get their food from them. So, it is not proper to deduce hingsā merely from the statement that the world is full of jîvas.
Moreover, न य घायउ त्ति हिंसो नाघायंतो त्ति निच्छियमहिंसो। न विरलजीवमाहिंसो न य जीवघणं ति तो हिंसा ॥२१५॥(१७६३) अहणतो वि हु हिंसो दुट्टत्तणओ मओ अहिमरो छ । बाहिंतो न वि हिंसो सुद्धत्तणओ जहा विज्जो ॥२१६॥ (१७६४) Na ya ghāyau tti hiņso nāghāyanto tti nicchiyamahimso Na viralajîvamahimso na ya jîvaghaṇam ti to himso 121511 (1763) Ahananto vi hu himso dutthattanao mao ahimaro vva i Bahinto na vi himso suddhattanao jaha vijjo ॥ 216 ॥ ( 1764 ) [ न च घातक इति हिंस्रो नाननिति निश्चितमहिंस्रः। न विरलजीवमहिंस्रो न च जीवघनमिति ततोहिंस्रः ॥२१५॥ (१७६३) अनन्नपि खलु हिंस्रो दुष्टत्वतो मतोऽभिमर इव ।
बाधमानो नापि हिंस्रः शुद्धत्वतो यथा वैद्यः ॥ २१६ ॥ (१७६४ ) Na ca ghātaka iti himsro nāghnanniti niścitamahimsrah | Na viralajivamhimsro na ca jivaghanamiti tato hinusrah ॥ 215॥]