.: 152 : . Jinabhadra Gaņi's (The second that qualities like rūpa etc. seen in a ghata, do not belong to the ghata, so here also, it is not proper to state that cetana though apprehended in a collection of bhūtas, does not belong to the bhūta samudāya.
. Ācārya-The argument advanced by you, O Gautama ! is absolutely invalid. Just as vegetables etc. found in a collection of earth and water can never be considered to have been produced from the collection of earth and water, since they are produced from their seeds; in the same way, cetana also should never be taken to have been produced from the collection of bhūtas though it is found in a body made of bhūtas such as prithvi etc. For, that cetanā is produced from ātman which is altogether distinct from the bhūta samudāya. Thus, there is no contradiction in my argument. But the contradiction lies in your assertion that cetanā is produced in each and every individual bhūta. भूइंदियोवलद्धाणुसरणओ तेहिं भिन्नरूवस्स ।
चेया पंचगवक्खोवलद्धपुरिसस्स वा सरओ ॥ १०९ ॥ (१६५६) Bhūindiyovaladdhānusaranao tehim bhinnarūvassa 1 Ceyā pancagavakkhovaladdhapurisassa vā sarao 11 109 11 (1657) [भूतेन्द्रियोपलब्धानुस्मरणतस्तेभ्यो भिन्नरूपस्य ।
चेतना पश्चगवाक्षोपलब्धपुरुषस्येव स्मरतः ॥ १०९ ( १६५७ ) ॥ Bhūtendriyopalabdhānusmaraṇatastebhyo bhinnarūpasya / Cetanā pancagavaksopalabdha puruşasyeva smarataḥ ||10911 (1657)]
Trans.-109 Like a man who perceives (an object ) from five windows and recalls ( it ) to his mind, cetanā being itself ( the quality ) of an object different from them ( i. e., bhūtas ) perceives ( an object) by means of sense-organs (in the form) of bhūtas and recalls ( the object ) to his mind. ( 1657 )
टीका-तेभ्यो भूतेन्द्रियेभ्यो भिन्नरूपस्य कस्यापि धर्मश्चेतनेति प्रतिज्ञा।