VIVEKACHUDAMANI 39 मनस्तु संकल्पविकल्पनादिभि
बूद्धिः पदार्थाभ्यवसायधर्मतः॥१३॥ अत्राभिमानादहमित्यहंकृतिः।
स्वार्थानुसन्धानगुणेन चित्तम् ॥ १४ ॥ 93-94. The inner organ (Antahkarana) is called Manas, Buddhi, ego or Chitta, according to their respective functions: the Manas, from its considering the pros and cons of a thing; the Buddhi, from its property of determining the truth of objects; the ego, from its identification with this body as one's own self; and the Chitta, from its function of seeking for pleasurable objects.
प्राणापानव्यानोदानसमाना भवत्यसौ प्राणः । स्वयमे ववृत्तिभेदाद्विकृतिभेदात्सुवर्णसलिलादिवत् ॥१५॥
95. The same Prâna becomes Prâna, Apâna, Vyâna, Udâna and Samâna according to their diversity of functions and modifications, like gold' and water, etc.
[Like gold. 6.c.-Just as the same gold is fashioned into various ornaments, and as water takes the form of foam, waves, etc.)
वागादि पञ्च श्रवणादि पञ्च
प्राणादि पञ्चाभ्रमुखानि पश्च।