________________ MTL. 195) CHAPTER VIII 25 CVS: Hathtazi anapigau Hugar faaazzi:1 afela कथितम्। सर्वभावाभिनिवेशप्रहाणायासदिति' कथितम्। उभयाकारदर्शनत्यागाय सदसदित्यावेदितम्। सर्वाकारप्रपञ्चोच्छेदाय नोभयमिति प्रकाशितम्। अपि च त्वमेव तावद् विचारय / 57 aniq naATU ATA Fiua i व्याधयः प्रतिविधातव्याः। तेषां च निदानभेदादनकमौषधम् / नैकमेव सर्वचोपयुज्यते / तादृशमेतत् // 20 // This karika with the same reading is quoted in MV, 'p. 272. There in c for sarvam the reading is pathyam, but in the Tib. version in all the xylographs examined by Poussin and V including our Vxx we have thams cad which in Skt. is sarvam. Accordingly Poussin reads in his edition of MV sarvam for pathyam. V, however, prefers pathyam and says that 'pathyam donne le sens meilleur et le plus precis.' One cannot agree with him considering what is said in the first half of the karika. The author wants to say that all the things mentioned here, viz. sat, asat, sadasat, and nobhaya, i. e. na-sadasat, are conductive to the good of the disciples (vineyas) according to their different temperaments, for every thing serves as medicine according to different kinds of disease. This is perfectly clear from the foregoing lines of Candrakirtti's commentary which supports the reading sarvam. In his French translation of c and d V has upset the whole argument when he writes : 'Un medicament meme n'est salutaire que selon la maladie, n'est-il pas vrai ?' We are to 'note here specially that both in the original and the Tib. version, the predicate is ausadha, sman. According to him the translation would have been something like the following: selon la maladie la diete sert de la medecine.' 1 Tib. bcom 1dan hdas kyis gdul bya rnams la; HPS oksalanaya sad iti. 2 Tib. thams cad; HPS om. it. 3 Tib. bgah z'ig tu med do=kinein nastiti. * For -yujyate Tib. ma kho ba ni (?).