________________ 130 CATUHSATAKA [272 kun la gnas pa med pa dan | yan na thams cad mi rtag min || 22 || The last two lines are not quoted in CSV. V has unnecessarily taken liberty to change min in a and d to yin, and translated the karika accordingly. V anityam durbalam yena sarvabhavesu vidyate | sadasattvam ca sarvasminn atha sarvam asasvatam | 22 | I think none can concur here with V in regard to his translation or the changing of the reading. He himself says that in all the Tib. versions (including, I may add, Vxx of CS and CSV) the reading is min in a and d. But why has he emended it ? He says: "le verse reste incomprehensible avec la negation. C'est pour quoi j'ai pris une liberte' avec notre texte. La version chinoise toutefois confirme notre lecture." As the following extract of CSV will show the karika is not incomprehensible with the readings, nor confirms the Chinese version his emendation. Tucci writes in his Italian translation from Chinese : "Il Vaidya non intende bene, ed ha torto di sostituire al min di a ed: yin." In showing the corresponding Skt. of Tib. Tucci has evidently left out the Skt. word for min in a, alpa being the meaning of chun and not of chun min. V's restoration, specially of c, is also objectionable. The following may, however, be suggested : भवेत्सर्वेषु भावेष्वनित्यत्वं दुर्बलं न चेत् / ferfaxaa paa a at FAATIHAH 1 22! CSV: gal te mi rtag pa nid stobs chun ba ma yin pas stobs dan ldan par hgyur te dnos po kun la gnas sin || gal te dnos po mthah dagi la khyab pas gnas na ni deni tshe thams cad la yan gnas pa med do || ci ste kun la mi gnas na ni dehi tshe chos thams cad mi rtag pa ma yin gyi || deni tshe hgah z'ig ni rtag par hgyur te gan na gnas pa ches stobs dan ldan paho || Cha hgah z'ig ni mi rtag par hgyur te gan na mi rtag pa nid ches stobs dan Idan paho || de Ita na thams cad mi rtag pa ma yin paham yan na gnas pa med par hgyur ro || 1 Should we read cig?