________________ 134 CATUESATAKA [275 rnal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las dus dgag pa bsgom pa bstan pa ste rab tu byed pa bcu gcig paho || 11 || In 6 V and Vx of CS kyi for skye, and yis for yi in c. V yo bhavas cetasa dTstah so'dTsto na punar bhavet | smrtir nama bhaven mithya mithya bhavo'pi jayate || 25 || Probably it is by mistake that this karika is printed in Romans instead of Italics in V's text showing thereby that it is preserved in the fragments (HPS) or elsewhere, but as it is found nowhere, so far as I know, and does not correspond to the Tib. text I take it to be his own restoration. It seems to me that there are some mistakes in the restoration as will be evident from the commentary quoted below, and as such it cannot be accepted. I may offer the following: न दृष्टो दृश्यते भावश्चित्तं न जायते पुनः। तेन मिथ्या स्मतिर्नामार्थोऽस्या मियैव जायते // 25 // = tfa mara 77:$alaanraaigedia PICT PORTUNIPPI CSV: da ltar bahi gnas skabs kyi dnos po deui ran gi no bo dnos su byed pahi ses pa da ltar bas mthon bas gan yin pa de ni slar mi snan no || don gcig rnam par ses pa gnis kyis yons su bcad par bya ba nid yin pa ni gon du bkag zin te tshul de nid kyisi mthon zin pahi dnos po mi snan no || gan gi tshe mi snan ba deni tshe deni yul can gyi sems slar yan mi skyeho 11deg dehi phyir dran pani dmigs pahi hdas pahi dnos po yin no || gal te de ran gi no bos yod na ni deni tshe dran pa de yod pahi don la dmigs pahi phyir ran gi no bos grub pa z'ig na gan gi tshe hdas pani dnos po de ran bz'in med pa deni tshe de la dmigs pahi dran pa yan ran bz'in med pa yin te deni phyir log pa yin no | z'es bya bar grub po || log pa z'es bya ba ni ran bz'in med pa dan | rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba z'es bya ba dan don gz'an ma yin pa ste dnos po med pahi don ni log pahi don ma yin no || hdas pahi dnos po rnam pa thams cad med pa ni ma yin te dran par bya ba yin pahi phyir dan | desi sbras bu mthon baui phyir ro || 1 After this in X there seems to be a letter which could not be read.