________________ 158 CATUHSATAKA 5294 nid dan | de las gz'an pa rnams kyi rigs pa nid [ma] yin pa de Itar bstan pahi phyir bsad pa = कस्मात्पुनः सत्त्वाः कुशलान्तराशया अपि भूयसा तोथिकानां मतमनुबन्नन्ति न तु सौगतानामिति / तस्य सूक्ष्मत्वात्। यथा च सौगतातामयं धर्सः सूक्ष्म एव तदन्येषाञ्चायुक्त एव तथा प्रतिपादववाह-। sa kya gos med bram z'e stel gsum rnams kyi yan chos yid dan | mig dan ra ba yis hdzin pa ! deui phyir thub pahi gz'un lugs phra || 19 || In b Vx of CSV pa mnams kyihan for rnams kyi yan. In d V and Vx of CS de for deni, and sinra for phra supported by both the commentary and the Chinese version. V sakyena cetasa dharmo nagnakena tu caksusa srutya glhito viprena muniproktas tatah sivah || 19 | So far as the first three lines, a, b, and c, are concerned V's Skt. is good. But I wish he had kept the order of the words in the Tib. text. With regard to the last line, d, his rendering can hardly be defended. Apparently he has confounded gz'un in the text with gsun when he writes for the former prokta (in muni-prokta). The word gz'un with lugs makes a phrase gz'urilugs meaning samaya 'comprehension', 'doctrine'. And, again, in writing siva undoubtedly for lugs he seems to have confounded the latter with legs 'good'. Besides, he has taken the wrong reading smra for phra 'suksma'. . I may give the following: शाक्यरचेलकै विप्रेस्त्रिभिथित्तेन चक्षुषा / कर्णेन गाते धर्मः सूक्ष्म स्तत्ममयो मुनेः // 17 // CSV : bram ze rnams ni hdon pa soin por byed paste de rnams kyi de ni rna bahi yul lo ll gcer bu pa dag ni gtsan sprar! spyod pa dan bral bahi phyir lus dri na bahi hdam hphel bz'in pas gos sin khru ras dan bral ba gran ba dan rlun dan ni ma dan skra hbal ba la sogs pahi sdug bsnal gyi gz'ir gyur pa rnams te de 1 Sbrar? X indistinct.