________________ 276 CHAPTER XII 137 V saksi dhiman arthapatih srota drasteti bhanyate | vaktur guna na canyasya napi srotur bhavanti te !| 1 || None can accept it. I may offer the following: शङ्गुष्ठो बुद्धिमानर्थी श्रोता पात्रमितीर्यते। अन्यथा न गुणो वक्तुन श्रोतुरपि जायते // 1 // In Tib. gzu or gzu ba means 'a post,' sanku, and gnas 'standing' or 'position,' sthana, sthiti. Hence the literal meaning of gzur gnas is 'one standing on a post' implying thereby one who being firmly fixed in a position does not move in the least not inclining to any side. This idea has, as seems to me, found its full expression in the word san kustha (Panini, VIII. 3,97) which closely correspond to Tib. gzur gnas. As the following extract from the CSV will show, it means an impartial person (a paksapatita). Accordingly taking the figurative sense one may employ nispaksah or nyayastha for san kusthah in the restored karika. For gzur gnas V uses saksin which is not appropriate, nor is supported by CSV. S.C. Das has given the meaning (witness"), no doubt, but he has also given the synonym gzu bo which means 'upright' 'honest.' And undoubtedly the Tib. phrase is used here in the second sense. In a V translates don gner ba by arthapati by which he wants to mean "le maitre des objects des sens." I think it has no authority. I translate it by arthin. See CSV, 184 (HPS, p. 476) where nivrttyarthi is translated by zlog pa don du gner ba. For his drasta in b there is nothing in Tib. Possibly he takes it for Tib. snod which actually means in Skt. bhajana or patra, and not drastr. The second half of his karika is also objectionable. CSV: gzur gnas blo Idan don gner bahi nan po snod ces bya bar bsad | de la gzu bor gnas pa ni gan phyogs su ma lhun baho || phyogs su ma lhua ba yan gan z'ig ce na gan z'ig ran dan gz'an gyi 18