________________ 09 243) CHAPTER X The karika is cited entirely in MV, p. 116, while in the fragments (HPS, p. 490) there is only a. . 243 CSV: yan gal te bdag ces bya ba hdi hgah z'ig mehi tsha ba nid Itar ran gi no bos yod na ni deni tshe de ran gi no bo des yod pahi phyir nes par dmigs pa z'ig na de ltar yan ma yin no !| hdi Itar de ni rgol ba dag gis = अपि च / यद्यात्मेत्ययं कश्चिदग्नेरोष्णावत् खरूपेण स्यात् तदा स तेन स्वरूपेण सद्भावावियतमुपलभ्येत। न वेवमस्ति। तथा हि स वादिभिः-। la lar kun tu son bar mthon la lar skyes bu lus tsam z'ig | la larrdul tsam z'ig mthon ste ses rab can gyis med ces mthon || 18 || In b Vx of CSV once las for lar. As regards the reading in c V's text (noir et rouge) has la lar skyes bu rdul isam z'ig which is found also in our Vx. He has, however, changed it as follows observing that it is according to the Tib. commentary : la lar mthon ste rdul tsam z'ig. But the actual wording or the order of the words is different there as I have given above. There is no reason for his making the change which is worse. In d Vxx of CS and CSV gyi for gyis ; and V with Vx of CS par for ces. V sarvagah kenacid drsto dehamatras tu kenacit drsto'pumatrah kenapi prajnenasan sa drsyate || 18 || V has here ignored Tib. skyes bu, Skt. purusa or pumas, leaving it untranslated. I may offer the following दृश्यते सर्वगः कैश्चिकैश्चित्कायमितः पुमान् / दृश्यतऽणमितः कैश्चित्पार्नास्तीति दृश्यते // 18 // CSV de la kha cig dag gis ni lus re re z'igi tha mi dad pabi bdag thams cad du son bar rtogs so || gz'an dag gis ni hgro ba mthab dag gi bdag zla ba ltar gcig kho nar rtogs so || deui tha dad pa ni lus tha dad pa las btags pa po ste | hbru mar dan chu la sogs pasi snod tha dad pas zla ba si gzugs brnan tha dad pa bz'in no || de yan thams cad du son ba z'ig stel de ltar . 12