________________ CATUHSATAKA [229 हौन्धनमुपादायाग्निरेवं स्कन्धानुपादायात्मा प्रज्ञप्यते / स च स्कन्धेभ्यस्तत्त्वान्यत्वेन पञ्चधा च निरूप्यमाण: स्वभावतो नास्तीत्युपादाय प्रज्ञस्या परिकल्पात इत्यनित्येषु संस्कार वात्म परिकल्पना भवतीति स्थितम् // 3 // As regards the reading in b of the Skt. karika HPS and V take niyamat and it is supported by the Vstti in both the versions, Skt. and Tib. But according to the Tib. text of the karika we must read aniyamat (ma nes phyir), as Poussin has done in MV, P. 199, where the karika is quoted by Candrakirtti. Now, with reference to the Tib. text some divergencies have already been noted. There is some thing more. Poussin (loc. cit.) has quoted there the Tib. original found in his text. For b.it has des bdag nes med de phyir bed. Here after des bdag, as Poussin has rightly suggested, one should read nes med phyir de med. In d it has rtog pa z'es kyan ne bar skye, which can literally be translated by kalpana namapy upajayate, or in metre kalpanety upajayate. This differs from our text as we have it both in the fragments and in the MV. According to the reading found in Vxx of CS and CSV as well as in V's edition the lit. Skt. is kalpna nanu jayate, there being nothing for nama in the Skt. text. 229 CSV : प्रवाह / अस्त्य वात्मा स्वभावतः / प्रकृत्तिनिवृत्तिकारणत्वात् / यद्यात्मा न स्यात् कः शुभमशुभं वा कर्म कृत्वा तत्फलं संवेदयेत। स हि शुभमशुभं वा कर्म कृत्वा जातिगतियोन्यादिभेदभिवे वैधातुके कर्मानुरूपं जम्मप्रबन्धमनन्त सुखदुःखदुःखफलोपभोगनिबन्धनमासादयति। स ह्यभिसंस्कर्ता च प्रत्यनुभविता च / म हन्यते चाधर्मेण स्पृश्यते मुच्यते च / तस्मादस्ति स्वरूपात प्रात्मेति। किं पुनरयमात्मा' जन्मान्तरपरिवर्तेषु देहभेदविकारमनुरुध्यतेऽथ 1 Tib. hdogs= badhyate. . Tib. hdu byed; HPS samsaresu. . Tib. om. aha. * Tib. ad. acala or dhruvaka (mi gyo ba). * Tib. simply mthah yas; HPS anantaprabhedam. * For adharmena sprsyate Tib. badhyate sprayate badhyate (gnod pa dan reg pa dan bein ba). Tib, om. ayam atma and reads idanim (hdi tshe). . Tib.aimply janmantaresu (rabs gz'an du).